Chapter 14 - Chaperone Revealed

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Saturday morning came and Harry packed the last of his things into his new trunk. He found it inordinately amusing that if Rachel Danvers had waited just one more week to place her bet on a chiffonier trunk, and they were betting on his gifts in general and not just Draco's, she would have won the weekly pot. Carlos Tinoco, a minor noble from Spain, had made it onto Harry's favorites list by sending just such a trunk.

The chiffonier was, according to Carlos, once of the less elaborate ones, but had a special spell crafted into it that Carlos thought would make up for any lack of fancy features. And, indeed, Harry quite agreed that the international homing charm made up for any lack of special whiz-bang features he would probably rarely use. But a homing charm – basically a portkey attuned to his magical call – oh, yes, that was useful. Especially when he started traveling. And he was going to travel. That hadn't been a convenient story for The Quibbler.

He ceased admiring his trunk and left to join his friends as they made their way through the school and to the carriages that would take them to the Hogwarts Express. He amused himself watching Hermione restrain herself from asking questions until they made it to the privacy of a carriage. The poor girl looked fit to burst!

"Why are you coming with us this year?" Hermione asked breathlessly. "You never leave for holidays. Are you really going to be staying with your relatives? And for the whole holiday? I thought you didn't like the Dursleys."

"I don't," Harry confirmed with a grin, barely refraining from laughter as his friend finally let loose her questions.

Hermione looked confused. "Then why are you going back to them this year?"

"Because Dumbledore wants me to," Harry said.

"But you haven't in previous years," Hermione said, still confused but now also determined to figure out the puzzle. "There has to be some other reason."

Harry seriously contemplated his friend for several moments but decided to go ahead and reveal Dumbledore's reasons. His relationship with Hermione was still good, but he couldn't help but somewhat doubt where her final allegiances would lie. When it came right down to a choice, would she support him and his freedom? Or would she side with the headmaster and his so-called duty? Testing her in this way might not be the most honorable thing to do, it was actually rather underhanded, but he needed to know and he might as well find out sooner rather than later.

He glanced around the carriage at the others accompanying them. Neville merely looked interested – he didn't know much yet about the way the Dursleys had treated an innocent child. Ginny looked angry – she did know and had already expressed her displeasure. Still, she might agree with the headmaster anyway, given what was at stake. The last person, one he hadn't had much contact with at all this year but still saw occasionally, especially around Ginny, was Luna Lovegood. Luna returned his regard with a very slight smile. The more he was around the girl this year the more he was certain that she knew things. She knew things and Harry was too afraid to ask just what those things might be.

"There are wards at the Dursley residence that are powered by my presence," Harry said emotionlessly. "The longer I stay in the house the stronger the wards are. The longer I'm away from the house the weaker they are."

Hermione nodded but there was a frown on her face. "I've never heard of wards like that," she said slowly.

"They're blood wards," Neville said in astonishment. "That's how blood wards work."

Hermione looked at Neville in curiosity then at Harry for confirmation.

Harry nodded and said, "Yes, exactly. They're blood wards. They were based off my mother's sacrifice. They protect me from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and they protect my relatives from wizards in general."

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