3. To Syndria!

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I jumped up from where i was sitting and jumped up for joy laughing with my arms raised. Yes! Step one completeted, conquer a dungeon. I looked around and noticed one of the soldiers standing there holding the horses, staring at my in confusion. I had forgotten one stayed behind to watch the supplies and ensure the horses didn't run off. 

Brushing off my Indian leg dress I looked up at the soldier and climbed up, the enchanted bag bouncing lightly against my back, my sword in its hilt at my side. I stand in front of him, his gaze is not at me but my sword, in awe. 

"You conquered the dungeon, what happened to the second in command?" He asked. 

Sweat beaded down my temple, I couldn't just say that I fought him to the death and how I was a traitor, I had to think of a lie. "He died protecting me from the main beast, as he died he also killed the beast, his last dying breath told me to take the metal vessel to ka" 

The soldier blinked a few times, but then nodded as if he were convinced "alright, hop on the horse and I shall take you back to your kingdom, I'm sure Ka will be happy to see he put his faith in the right woman" 

I narrowed my eyes "actually, there will be a change in plans. I won't be going back home or to Ka. Now" I reached into my bag and pulled out a small pouch that was filled to the brim with gold coins and held it to him "these are for you, but only if you give me the horse and stay quiet about my leave. If Ka asks where I am, tell him that I had died in the siege for metal vessel but the winner of the vessel had flown off on a magic tool found in the dungeon" 

"You want me to lie to my general?" He asked in a confused tone: 

I nodded sternly "yes" 

The man pondered it for a moment, he then looked back at me and took the small pouch "my lips are sealed your majesty" 

I nodded my thanks and took the reins of the horse I rode here and got on, and ran, ran far away as I could from my kingdom and the Kou empire towards the docs that would lead me to the land of sindria. They had just won tjenrecent war with the Kou empire so I don't think they'd be too eager to leap into another one, I would have to think of a small lie and then once I gain their trust, wiggle in the truth and hope they won't be mad. 

As time led on, the view of the port finally came into view. The port near my kingdom was known for ships to come in bringing in goods from far off lands, or merchants landing here to come sell their goods at a different city, hopefully there would be one heading to sindria. 

Once I was in small walking distance from the merchant who sold tickets to boats so that travelers could sail to other islands, I mounted off my horse and stood in front of it holding either sided of it's face and placed my forehead on its. 

Taking off the reins I walked to its side and slid off the saddle and walked back to the front "thank you my friend for taking me this far, lyou have earned your freedom" its brown eyes stared into mine for a long moment. Giving it a tap on the neck, the horse turned in the opposite direction and rode off, it's mane billowing in the wind. 

I looked into my pouch and pulled out ten gold coins and walked over the merchant, with my hand in a fist I leaned against his stand and asked "would you happen to know if there were any ships leading to sindria?" 

The man narrowed his eyes "I don't know what ships leave and comes to and from this port. And even if I did, why would I tell a random stranger where a ship to sindria would be in this port" he leaned back, arms crossed over his chest staring me down with a piercing glare. 

I chuckled softly, of course they wouldn't tell. They were just in a war so most merchants kept their mouth shut about what time boats left in case of spies so they could save their own skins. I shrugged and sighed softly "oh well, I have these gold coins I was willing to give to someone who could help me" a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips when I saw his glittering eyes, watching lightly roll the the coins in my hand. 

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