6. pinky promise

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-sinbads p.o.v.- 

-the next day-

"You called for me?" Ja'far asked, poking his head into the doorway of my office and shuffled in. 

I looked up at Ja'far from my papers and replied "yes I did" 

"What do you need sinbad?" he asked. 

"Do you care about (f/n)?" I asked bluntly. 

Ja'far's face turned bright crimson "w-w-w-what?" he stammered. 

I chuckled softly "do you have feelings for (f/n)?" 

"why do you ask" Ja'far asked, clearing his throat. 

"I'm asking because of the way I've seen you act around her. I first noticed it a few weeks ago after the celebration when you would always be in the shadow watching her, I did find it a bit odd. But still, the most I realized is yesterday when she nearly collapsed and the hurt look on your face when she denied your help, there was also the hurt looks that went across your face when you found out about her having a betrothed" I answered. 

Ja'far shuffled his feet and was silent for a little bit "I also almost kissed her too" he mumbled. 

"That's excelent news my friend!" I shouted for joy, grinning from ear to ear. 

"How?" he asked baffled "I've only known her for only a couple weeks and barely know anything about her. Even if I do have feelings for her I shouldn't be going and trying to kiss her. I don't even know if she likes me back, and plus she has a fiance" 

"Did she push you away?" I asked. 

"No, her head was tilted up towards mine" 

"Then that means she's interested in you. And with the fiance part, once we help bring peace to her lands and remove the Ko empire from her land then she will no longer be engaged. Plus, she'll be living on this island so you'll get to see her often" 

Ja'far was silent for a moment and went to reply when a voice cut in "you called?" 

I turned my attention towards the doorway to see (f/n) standing there with her head tilted slightly, her (h/c) laying softly on her shoulders. "Ah yes I did, you'v barely seen the city haven't you in your time here?" 

"Yes" she replied slowly walking in. 

"Well then Ja'far is going to be your escort today and take you around the city" I beamed. This was an amazing idea, get the two together and get to know each other. Ja'far deserves to be happy, he doesn't deserve to forever be alone always doing paperwork. 

"I'll what??" he asked confused.

"As I said, you'll be showing miss (f/n) around syndria" I replied smiling. 

"But what about the paperwork and help with repairs?" 

I raised my hand up "I'll take care of the paperwork and we have plenty of help with rebuilding what was damaged. C'mon it'll be fun" Ja'far nodded hastily and beckoned (f/n) to follow him out of the room. Chuckling softly I looked back down at the letter I was reading before Ja'far entered. It looks like princess Kougyoku is asking to stop by. She hasn't proven to be an enemy of syndria, so I don't think it'll be an issue. 

-your p.o.v- 

Escort me around town? What was sinbad thinking.. he must be up to something, I pouted softly looking to my right at the different merchants that we walked past. 

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