#1-My New House

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"Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!" my parents and friends sung. "Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday to you!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSSA! "they all greeted in unison.

I wish for my life to be like this with loving parents and friends.I said in my mind then blew the candle.

That wish never came true.Two years since they left me aĺl alone.My "loving" parents left me alone in this world.My Mom and Dad broke up,Dad with his new wife and Mom with his new husband and children.My friends-they became distant.

And they left me alone.Until the adopting agency found me.They fed me,bathed me and cared for me for seven years.They offered me more love more than my parents could.In the facility,I found myself a home.

However,I still wanted to be adopted and let me just say to you that when I met my parents,I wish i didn't.A young looking couple welcomed me with a smile.A smile that disappeared as soon as we got on the car.

The drive was about 15 mins. long.When we got there,I saw it.Their mansion.

It was a huge house painted in green with rows of lanterns hung all over the wall.A "Welcome" sign was on the door.

When I opened the house,I was more dazzled by it's beauty.The inside was a bright green,with huge paintings of trees,nature and stuff hung all over the walls.All the furniture on the house were made of wood and I like that.The bathroom was painted a bright blue.My room was painted in a bright yellow with paintings on the wall and a bookshelf in the wall containing novels and mens magazines.There was also a bathroom there.What i loved the most-my bed was a royal blue

Overall the house was fabulous.I was looking forward to live here.Everything was perfect here.

However,I wished I knew the problems were soon to come.

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