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"Right," said Kunikida. "According to my Ideal, Professor Shanks' lesson ended on time so we're on schedule. We need to get on with our missions. Dazai, Atsushi and I have a missing persons case to deal with. He was last seen at his girlfriend's apartment yesterday at 9.30pm, however he never made it home. He is an important city official, so we must solve this quickly. Where do you think we should start, Dazai?" There was no response from the dark individual, who seemed to be unaware that he was even being addressed. "Eh, Dazai!" Kunikida shouted as he hit the man he believed to be Dazai over the head, unaware that it was not.

Tamaki-in-Dazai's-body winced at the pain, though nothing compared to his wounded pride from his heated argument with Dazai. "What is it, Kyoya?"

"What?" Kunikida felt confusion fall over him. Had he gotten Kunikida and Kyoya confused? Kunikida secretly felt proud to be mixed up with the smart and handsome young man that was Kyoya, however he refused to show this. "Have you even been listening to a word I've said, Dazai?" When faced with Dazai's blank stare, Kunikida growled in annoyance. "Let's just leave and get out of here!" He shoved Dazai and Atsushi towards the door and to the awaiting world of crime and punishment.


The street was in chaos. Kunikida had blood dripping down his face, Atsushi clutched his tiger arm with a tiger claw moaning in pain. Tamaki laid the floor, a fog of blackness shrouding his body. "Dazai!" Screamed Kunikida. "Use No Longer Human on him." The mentioned man was the culprit of the missing persons case; his name was Tennessee Williams and had the ability to make people impotent, called Period of Adjustment. The buildings nearby still had smoke billowing out after being hit with full force of this dangerous power.

Atsushi whimpered nearby, but upon seeing the face of his mentor being overcome with full terror, he felt a surge of confidence. "I must save everyone if I want the right to live," he exclaimed. Gripping Tamaki by the arm, he transformed his legs into tiger calves and he launched himself towards Tennessee and threw his supposed mentor at the criminal, causing Tamaki's outstretched hand to touch him.

And yet, the ability did not stop! Atsushi gasped in confusion. At that he point he realised how strange it was, that he could transform his tiger limbs and yet touch who he thought to be Dazai at the same time. "Dazai-san's ability doesn't work." The realisation hit him like a rock, and he wondered how they were going to beat such a powerful ability without No Longer Human.

"I am the most powerful criminal of all time!" Tennessee cried. "No one can resist the Period of Adjustment!"

"But, hey?" Tamaki cried. "How could someone do this to moi? I'm too beautiful to die!"

"I need to feed my family! This is the only way!"

Suddenly, Tamaki understood. "This man," he said gently, "he's just trying to be a good person by helping his family, but is too poor. Well I say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!"

"What are you muttering about now Dazai?" Kunikida shouted harshly.

"Kyoya, I want to help this man feed his family."

Kunikida and Atsushi screamed in confusion.

"But he's a criminal!"

"But not out of choice!" Tamaki rebutted. "If we want him to not be one, then we must help him, not be his enemy."

Kunikida was about to refuse, then spotted the puppy-dog look that spread over his partner's face. He had never seen this before, but knew immediately it was impossible to refuse.


After providing Tennessee and his family with enough food for the week, Tamaki felt happy with himself. He'd manage to do some good, and help an unfortunate commoner. And as a bonus, the issuing official was only to have been used a hostage and so was returned safe and well. All in all, Tamaki's first mission had been a success.

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