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The stadium was filled with cheers, excitement and anticipation. The rivalry between Oxbridge and Knottingham Trent was legendary. Knottingham Trent normally had the upper hand with academic competitions but Oxbridge had never yet lost a sports match, which gave them equal points across the season.

Quidditch fans from both schools cheered for their respective teams.

The cheerleading team at Knottingham Trent had Mia on the top of a pyramid, smoking a marijuana cigarette.

The Oxbridge cheerleading team was led by Blonde Soviet Yuri.

The captains of both teams – Tamaki-in-Dazai's-body for Oxbridge and Light Turner for Knottingham Trent – shook hands. Normally the two captains tried to crush each other's fingers but for some reason Light was met with minimal resistance. Instead the normally calm and collected captain was whimpering from the pain.

Sanji gripped his broom tightly, scowling angrily. He'd never felt so betrayed. So humiliated. So furious. He was seeing so much red it was almost like he was a Red Eyed Pirate.

Just ten minutes ago he'd seen what he'd never wanted to see.

He'd followed Kuranosuke into the changing room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the gal's amazing rack. What he'd seen instead was...a man. Not the beautiful woman he'd thought her to be but a MAN. And Zoro...that moss haired son of a bitch...had known this whole time.

"Mount your brooms," announced the commentator Kyoya. "Get set, and go-oooo!"

The audience erupted into a deafening cry of jubilation as the whistle blew and the players kicked off.

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Kuranosuke, who's heading straight for the Knottingham Trent hoops. Can Near stop him from getting too near?" said Kyoya shouted into the mic, meanwhile the other commentator Ranpo was distractedly playing with a marble rather than aiding his BFF.

Shanks pushed Kyoya out of the way of the mic, grabbing it between his thumb and forefinger. "It's okay guys, you can stop looking. I found my bitch and I collared her to my bed."

Soviet Yuri turned to Viktor Krum. "I didn't realise she was missing." Viktor shrugged back and resumed his roll on the snack stand.

Just at that moment, Sanji purposefully whacked a Bludger straight at Kuranosuke with the intent to cause severe damage. It fizzled through the air with a speed only brought by unbounding force before Zoro intercepted the hit and came at Kuranosuke's side to hit it back towards Sanji. "What are you doing, you stupid Love-Cook?"

"You..." Sanji's curly eyebrows crossed as he deflected the Bludger at a random direction, and instead flew straight at Zoro. Sanji kicked with firey legs and Zoro blocked with three swords that appeared out of nowhere.

Just at that moment, Usopp was hit by the stray Bludger with no Beaters to keep it away. It hit his salami-like nose and he fell from his broom high up in the sky, landing on the field, creating a Usopp-shaped holes with only his nose visible.

Tamaki was used to Chasing, not Seeking, so this new position was completely new. He couldn't see the golden ball anywhere. He was flying around aimlessly, wanting to do well for his team but not confident he could. Light Turner was a brilliant Seeker. He made up for his dyslexia with his athletic ability.

Honey was not doing so well at his job as a Keeper that day. The crowd was all wearing 'Honey Is Our King' badges and chanting a song composed by Honey's younger brother.

The Oxbridge fans were all shouting at whom they thought to be Dazai for such a poor performance.

"Dazai is having the hardest day of his Quidditch career. Let's just hope he can turn it around and get the Snitch before Light Turner does!" announced Kyoya.

At that moment Light triumphantly held up the Snitch, signalling the end of the match.

The Oxbridge crowd erupted in angry screams and tears. They'd suffered the most humiliating defeat in history. The Beaters were still fighting. The Keeper was off his game. A Chaser had been injured, and the other two hadn't exactly been able to do much, given Near hadn't let them near the hoops. Most importantly the Seeker had somehow been more useless than Leorio.

"What led to the team with most wins in history, to fail so epically today?" said Kyoya, his four eyes glinting like he was enjoying some private joke.

"Well because Tamaki and Dazai body switched of course," Ranpo announced nonchalantly into the mic, still playing with his marble.

At this point, Nekozawa screeched triumphantly, "It worked! It worked! They all said I was mad, but it worked!"

Tetsuya Sendo scrambles from behind him, holding an umbrella open to shield the fair skin of the demon spawn from the sunlight, "Young lord, young lord! Don't forget your umbrella!"

Kasanoda screeches angrily, "Stop getting us mixed up!" Though he was secretly proud to be mixed up with the smart and handsome young man that was Nekozawa, however he refused to show this. His face was a solid mask of anger, causing the whole stadium to flee in panic after seeing his ugly face look even uglier.

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