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"Zoro – Zoro! Moss-head, you idiot, come back here!"

Zoro tosses his rucksack over his shoulder and looks at Sanji boredly. "What do you want, love-cook?"

Sanji stumbles and grabs Zoro's shoulder feverhently, as if his village was on fire – his mother was inside that lonely wooden house – burning alive – and all Sanji could think was of finding Zoro, making sure he was safe – safe – safe.

Maybe it's not about his mother's safety. "I want that girl. That gorgeous woman – beautiful, long hair – stunning eyes – amazing body – I have to have her."

Zoro smirks behind his fist. "Of course you do. Any particular reason why? Her femininity?"

"And her innocence. By gosh, did you see those gorgeous lashes? Those pink lips parted as if someone had just told her that Tesco was having another salmon sale – oh, is there another sale on salmon? I'll have to check – and her flushed cheeks – everything about her, Zoro, she was beautiful. How did you manage to get her?"

"Well," Zoro says through a smile, "I'm not with her."

"What – so she's single?" Sanji's eyes bug, aghast at the notion – and then less aghast when he reminds himself how unattractive Zoro is to any sex.

"Yep. Listen, I've got a lesson to go to, so if you could just –"

"No." Sanji grabs Zoro's arm. "You're setting me up with her."


Zoro's wasabi-hair shakes as his head trembles with laughter. "Go on a date with him, Kuranosuke. Then tell him at the end you're a boy."

Kuranosuke fingers strands of cropped blonde hair between webbed snek-like fingers. His eyes are filled with the bitter colour of feminism as he leans over and licks Zoro's cheek. "So he is always after women?"


"Oh," Kuranosuke says with wide eyes. "I'll rip him open and lick him like a crisp packet." He unbuttons Zoro's top button. "I'll consume him...until all he can think me." His hands run over Zoro's clothed chest.

"Uh – Kuranosuke, get off my lap, or I'll need Tennesse to fix me up."

Kuranosuke licks his lips sensually and takes a bite out of the smooth flesh of Zoro's bicep, blood coating his pointed teeth when he pulls away.


The next day, Kuranosuke is dressed in a deep blue sundress just passing mid-thigh and a set of over-the-knee socks. His feet are in a pair of long heeled boots and his lips are a bright red colour – the colour of his usual victims' blood. Sanji's eyes bug with bright hearts as if he were a cartoon and not a character in a fast-paced, fast-moving fanfiction. He wipes at his bleeding nose with a handkerchief he kept just for that situation and leans forward to gently take Kuranosuke's soft, rose-smelling fingers between his own. "You look so beautiful," he says to the 'woman' he does not know the name of.

Kuranosuke takes the arm offered and allows Sanji to lead him away.


The date was a success. Kuranosuke drops his bag onto his bed in his darkened dorm – windows drawn shut – the smell of festering flesh – intestines hanging from the curtain rails as he looks into his reflection. "I want him," he whispers, licking his petal-coloured lips. "I like him." Kuranosuke undoes the stylistic corset pinching his waist and leans down to loosen the straps of his heels. "I'll have him. He will be mine."

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