Marvel Umbra

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Name:Violet Little
Alias: Umbra Lunii
Species:Human Mutant
Power: Technology Manipulation (Technopath), Darkness Manipulation
Secret power: Night Embodiment(Embodies the Night)
Skills: Hacking Intuition(Technopath), Advanced Mindset, Stealthy
Missions of choice: Stealth/Recon mission
Personality: Introverted and fun but mega bitchy. She prefers to stay inside and has little care about going out into the outside world unless she needs something. If she is out she's probably at Shield Headquarters either working on her latest project or hacking the system to find out which mission will pay be more or at a club with her friends. She has a sassy and still (Mega) Bitchy side to her when she is doing fieldwork.

Appearance: Long Brunette hair that's always in a frazzled and everywhere in a ponytail. She has freckles dotting her cheeks and nose on olive skin accompanied with Hazel eyes. She has a slim body that is flexible enough for her to get into small spaces without any trouble from years of gymnastics. She stands at 5'4" and weighs 148 lbs. She casually wears large rimmed black glasses, Unicorn T-Shirt with knee length shorts and bunny slippers while working (which is 75% of the time) unless she has to do field work in which she dresses in her Uniform. She gives no care what others think about her attire.

Uniform:A Dark purple body suit covered by a lilac nylon overcoat she designed but had come to life with the help of the famous Tony Stark. It has Data wires coming from her nails up to her wrists, then arm going to  the back and up the neck.She replaced her glasses to that of heat Vision Contacts to scope out enemies through walls.  It has the basic essentials and a handy Hologram computer. Her hair is tied up into a long braid and then done up in a bun. She carries a certified fully- Automatic pistol handgun for her offense weapon when she isn't wasting her energy using her powers. Her Pistol is named Brittany .

Formal: A burgundy knee length dress without a form. Her hair is let down and straightened with her large rimmed glasses being replaced with a more elegant and fine type with a diamond on each side of the hinges. Her shoes are a pair of black flats. She never wears this unless it's urgent business or a mission, She usually celebrates by herself in her room with a piece cake.

Family:She was orphaned and isolated herself from the other at the orphanage with their perfectly normal lives.

Crush:Steve Rogers because of his kindness to the introverted girl. Though she will never pursue him, mainly because he is far older than her but a girl can fantasize can't she? Natasha can make her blush like crazy since her knowledge on the topics of Violet are from a direct and Private Source. (Black Diary with a rainbow gold lock)

Backstory: Born in Romania on a full moon in February 19th. She was blessed with extraordinary gifts of darkness and later on in life technology. Her parents being Agents of Shield and constantly under attack gave her up for adoption at the orphanage in New York city, in order for Shield to keep a close eye on the girl. she kept herself distant from others, knowing very well she isn't like them. During the years of growing up she practiced with her powers at night on the rooftop of the orphanage.  The Darkness that she sided with helped her camouflage herself within the shadows. Even during day hours, if there were a shadow, she could hide. When her Sophomore year of high school began, She noticed that she had a certain way with the technology around her. She walked to the teacher's desk and ran her fingers upon the computer, wanting it to power off. She spoke with the teacher about miscellaneous work for a few seconds before the computer 'mysteriously' shut itself off. With this information she began to take programming her entire highschool Career.  Her marks in school were above average and her mindset like that of a genius. In all fairness, she did hack the school and teachers to boost her grades. She became a contract hacker, gaining information in exchange for money and other services. Shield caught wind on her actions. There was no way some petty thief got his perfect escape route and how gangs are getting away easier. They had to pursue to the at her base of operations, the Orphanage. When they arrived and looked into her room all they saw was a black monitor with the Logo of a Grinning Sinister Crescent Moon.

Quote: "Get bent." "That sounds like a personal problem."

Room: A dingy and rather dark apartment in Hell's Kitchen with only a few computer monitors lighting up the room. It has high bandwidth and fast connection due to her modifying the her own router and tampering with her internet service provider. It's not much but it is home to here. She stores her uniform in her closet.

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