Bloody nights - Tarus

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Organization: Cabal
Role: Headhunter
Name: Ryan Lopez
Codename: Taurus
Nationality/Species: Spanish, Bull/Human mutation
Sex: Male
Personality: Ryan although muscular and hard headed is quite an intelligent mutant. His quiet and intimidating stature can make a gangster tremble. He is prideful to the extent of near hubris.
Appearance:He has chestnut skin with black hair tied into a ponytail, he has bull horns that grow from the side of his head with a large septum piercing.His physique is muscular and toned. He stands at 6'4 weighing 143 pounds with a large septum piercing.
Super strength
Earth/Ground Manipulation
Enhanced Stamina
Crimes: Human trafficking, Murder, illegal drug trafficking, mutiple road violations, kidnapping, gambling people's lives.
Weapons: Pistol, Duel Mini Gun (Super strength), The horns
Preferred weapon: Mini guns
Call Sign: A bullhead breathing out smoke from its nostrils.

Back story: Hailing from a low class family in Spain, he left with his wife and unborn daughter to go to the US to start a new life. After four years and three miscarriages, they conceived a daughter that killed his wife sadly. In this new life he had became a gangster, organizing and planning out crimes for profit. He worked with this game for a few years before he got shot during a confrontation with a 'friend'. The Spider that roams the alleys searching for prey smelled the blood seeping from his wound. Taking pity, she took him to the Doc, who ran scans on who he was and what he did. The crimes were to severe in the doctors eyes to let them go unpunished. He took a scalpel and cut off the top of his tongue with a face of anger. Throwing the piece of tissue away he began to work upon his as an experiment without the consent of him. Cleaning his memories and implanting a completely different persona. He awoke as a different man, Ryan Lopez, the Bull Bodyguard. He know runs and owns (somewhat) of the Nightclub; Sapphire Palace.
Strength: His pride is his strength in battle, feeling the way he would destroy his enemies and make his daughter proud.
Weakness: His daughter Sapphire being in danger and or in Cabal affiliated business.

Other; Has a Daughter named Sapphire who is 5 years of age.

Organization: Cabal
Role: N/A
Name: Sapphire Lopez
Codename: Bun Bun
Age: 5
Species: Human/ Rabbit mutation
Appearance:A young girl that reaches 3'4" and weighs 50 pounds. She has chesnut skin like her father with hazel eyes and a charming smile. She is flexible due to her ballet classes and mother's genetics of an Olympic grade gymnast. She has brown and white ears with a brown and white fluffy tail.
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced stamina
Acidic bite
Nerve gas immunity
Weapons: Pocket Knife, Earl Daisy(Emits a nerve gas of Blood Agent)
Preferred weapon; Earl Daisy
Signature move: Hoppity Hop Hop: She doesn't fight but she Hoppity Hop hops around the playground with other kids and under the watchful eye of her uncle's or aunt's.
Crimes: Theft, Murder of Widow Ms.Crinklehorn
Call sign: Cute Bunny Rabbit with an X for a month
Backstory: Being born from her mother Linda and killing her in the process, she was raised by her dad and looked over by a woman who always wore a sweater named Miss.Miranda. when she was five she began to have some major headaches and lost control of her body at days. She went to the doctor with her dad and he found out she had a malignant tumor growing in her brain and would eventually kill her if not treated. The procedure was far to expensive for her dad. He laundered money from a friend only to be shot during the deal. Miranda took pity on the both of them and dragged the body of the dad to her creator. She picked up Sapphire shortly before the procedure on her dad began and had ice cream with her and talked about her day with the doctors and how she got to pick out a sunflower from the flower shop and how she said she was going to own one when she grew up. Miranda slipped a small dose of sleeping medicine in her ice cream to make the way to the lab less painful. Lucas looked at the girl and gazed at the similarities of the two. He began to work on the girl, removing the brain tumor carefully and using nanos to repair her missing tissue. He later added a few Rabbit genetics as well as implementing a tail and two ears. She is happy and joyful now then she ever was before. Her thanks will always go out to her Uncle Lucky(Lucas), sending him a daffodil and a card each month to ensure his happiness.

"Hippity, hippity, Hoppity hoppity. My tail is quite fluffy and my ears are quite floppity." (Quote)
Strength: Earl Daisy: Her Stuffed rabbit is her bestest friend in the whole world because he doesn't judge her. He also protects her from bad guys.
Weakness: If she is missing her stuffed rabbit given to her by her papa she will go on a crying stage of breaking and shattering important stuff.

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