Bloody Nights - Genetisist

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Organization: Cabal
Role: Medic // special forces
Name: Lucas Wilhelm
Codename: Doc
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Looks: A man standing 5'8" with brown hair styled in mohawk with his long hair combed back and braided into a ponytail. He is more on the lean side then muscular but he is incredibly nimble and swift on his feet. His face has green scales on his cheeks and forehead with his eyes being yellow slits. Various patches of green scales appear on his body the more notable include, on the nape of his neck going to his shoulder blades, the top of his feet, and the entirety of his hands. Inside his mouth is the retractable fangs with the Botulinum toxin type H in them.
Wearing: His normal attire consists of a black turtle neck with black jeans and a (most likely bloody) lab coat. His preferred shoes are red converse.
Nationality/Species: Romanian Human/Reptile Hybrid
Powers: Nanite Manipulation; control over nanobots
Biological Manipulation; can influence the cells in living or dead  beings.

Technology manipulation: To further his research on Biotech and Nanotech
Skills: Biochemistry, Genetic engineering, Nanotech, Biotech,Basic living essentials,
Weapon/Arsenal: Nanotechnology, handgun, mutations, biotic technology, his venom
Preferred weapon: Nanotechnology and the Mutants
Calling Card: A snake wrapped around a Medical Cross
Crime(s): Back ally dealing of artificial organs, assisted suicide, Illegal experimentation on Human Subjects, Assassination(also a horrible Homewrecker)
Personality: He has a visage of a warm and kind hearted person but in actuality he is a two headed shady snake that strikes when least expected with shifting personalities depending on the situation at hand But regardless of all that he sticks to his flamboyant attitude. He experiments on his patients without consent telling them that 'its routine medical work'. Sometimes killing them in the process then using their good organs to fetch a nice price on the back alley. But he is Loyal to his fellow friends and lethal to his enemies.
Backstory: A bastard born but raise along side his half sisters Anna and Odette. Spiteful and jealous of Anna's natural talents, he shunned her and endorsed himself in his studies of biology and other sciences. Speaking very little the past years with his family and only conversing with his younger half sister, Odette. He continued to study toll he got out of highschool and into medical school where he took the oath only to break it a year into the job. The first victim of his testing was Anna, he continued to splice her genes and replace some of her genetic make up with that of a rat. After the few months his work was complete. Anna, now stuttering and confused, had patches of fur growing​ from her seemingly soft skin. Anna wished for death which he didn't give her. A gunshot to the temporal lobe, turning her into a brain dead failed experiment. Odette was his second experiment, the success. Her DNA was fused with that of a white swan. He made some slight adjustments to her body structure and genetic make up. The progress of his genius took a few days to complete. Odette was now a swan like harpy woman. Her arms now spread and feathered with talon on the end to resemble her fingers. The mad genius laughed in joy at Odette's new appearance. She was now more nimble and her actions elegant, she was the perfect ballerina. Sticking to her brothers side like glue she helps him by carrying out tasks of  gathering supplies. His other subjects were by him seducing men into ‘staying the night’ at his place only to be found missing or dead with with organs removed.

Quote: "What a fascinating specimen."

Weakness: When put under severe stress or if heavy emotional damage he loses control over his nanites which start to devour his body from the inside out. If he ever loses his mind, the mutations are rigged to murder their creator then self destruct.
Blue - Marina and the Diamonds
Realness - Rupaul
Break the Ice - Britney Spears

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