The Billionare Chef

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Family Name: Mayori
Name: Hyun Ki Mayori
Nickname: Hyun, Ki
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Sexuality: Bisexual
Face Claim/Appearance: Ok Taecyeon

Languages spoken: Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, and FrenchCountry of Origin: JapanNationality: Korean/JapaneseClothing: From casual wear to Business attire, He'll always have an apron on hand

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Languages spoken: Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, and French
Country of Origin: Japan
Nationality: Korean/Japanese
Clothing: From casual wear to Business attire, He'll always have an apron on hand.
Organized; The Perfectionist: He always has a place for everything. Be it a pen to where his the tv is lined up in the wall above his dresser. Everything and anything has a place where it needs to be especially when it comes to spices and kitchen utensils. No one has a spice rack as organized and well put together as he does. He's sink never has a plate in it and the dishwasher is only full when it has dirty dishes in them. Each of his plates, be it a ceramic plate he made when he was five or a fine china plate, he treats with intense care.
Stoic; The Cruel One: His cool and stoic disposition gives him the aura of a mean man with no empathy or remorse about anything. The only time he breaks his stoic visage is when someone vexes him in his temple(the kitchen) or insults Hotachi.
Calculated; The Logical: He always tries to think one step ahead of the pack (unless it's the Momobami girl) especially when it comes to recipes. He is most knowledgeable about his measurements.
Natural Cook; God of Cookery: His natural talent and knowledge of cooking have given him a renowned title as the God of Cookery. Be it simple instant ramen and BBQ Pork Rice to a Beef Wellington or a Consommé, he will no doubt make it godly quality and having the ancestors craving his food every memorial service.
Rebel; The Thug: The Matriarch of the Clan has often described him as a thug like person when not in the kitchen. often coming to the gatherings with bruises on his arms. But even when in the kitchen, if someone does touch his sets; he won't be afraid to roundhouse kick them in the face.
Hotheaded; The Rage-Filled: Although he is stoic and doesn't like showing emotions, anger is his most prevalent one. He usually excuses himself and heads towards the gym to bruise his feet and hands on the punching bag.

Mental illness/Disorder: Antisocial Personality disorder

Special skill:
Cooking, no one in the family can best the ambrosia he creates.
Tasting Emotions, He has a unique sense that lets him taste the emotion and care put into foods others create. He dreadfully hates saddened food and food full of hate and rage.
Kickboxing, Chosen Skill, Taught by his mother
Taekwondo, Chosen Skill, Taught by his mother

Likes: Cooking, Organizing, New Kitchen Utensils, trying new recipes, tasting new flavors, Opening up to Hotachi, red wine, baking.

Dislikes: Failed recipes, people disturbing him while cooking, People bothering and making Hotachi sad, making ice cream. DISORGANIZATION.

Dahlia; The Russian Blue Cat that stole his heart. One of the main listeners of his problems and eater of gourmet pet food. She is very spoiled and carries herself as a royal.

Family:Father: Daisuki Mayori Mother: Hwa-Young MayoriMomobami RyukaSomaniHotachiTachibanaJachibaniYu

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Father: Daisuki Mayori
Mother: Hwa-Young Mayori

Opinions on the Selection: "I don't understand why it has to be done. I'm fine with being on my own. I have my restaurants and titles. But the Head of the Shinzo Clan is on the line.. and I'll be disowned by my family if I do not take this opportunity."

Why do you deserve to be the head of the Shinzo Clan? : Hyun was swiftly chopping green onions with an irritated look."I know I don't deserve it. I would suspect the matriarch will keep me around to keep the bad seeds at bay, even if she considers me one of them."

What will you do as head of the Shinzo Clan?: Hyun Ki let a soft chuckle out and put his knife down next to the chopping board. "If only the old hag did think so highly of me, I would help move the clan to be much more stable, deal less in the shady businesses. Yes, I might expose a family or two and remove the weeds so the garden can bloom in optimal and refined settings. But in all, the Clan is doing good with our current matriarch, I just don't want to tarnish her legacy. I don't want anyone to tarnish grandmothers legacy."

Favorite Family Member: Hotachi and Grandmother
Ideal Partner: "Someone who is good in the kitchen, is quiet, doesn't bother me and knows how to fight. I doubt there is anyone like that."

His favorite food is Spaghetti Bolognese and his favorite dessert is ironically enough an Ice Cream Sundae.

He does care for his family. He just always hides it and shows it in the form of his cooking.

He never cooks when he has a negative emotion, it ruins the dish.

Backstory: Hyun Ki is the son of a Businessman who was born into the life of savvy businessmen and a world-renowned formal martial arts master who is best known in the family as a nurse who was fascinated by medicine after taping her own fractures. He lived a well off and comfortable life for a kid, barely seeing his dad and was always with the maids and butlers. His favorite past time was always watching the cooks in the kitchen prepare him and his mother's meals, making him want to do the same. During his child to teen years, his mother made him take up two contact sports of his choosing. He chose kickboxing and Taekwondo, much to her pleasure. He showed signs of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) when he was around 12, he lied about punching Ryuka in the face and broke into his father's wine cabinet in the basement. He jet-set around the world, tasting different and exciting cuisines deepening his love for food even more. He often followed Hotoshi on his tours just to eat food and give his rating and takes on the dishes. As of now, He owns 7 restaurants around the world. Located in Paris, Rome, Seoul, Japan, and New York. 3 have 3-star Michelin rating and the other 4 have 2-stars, the 3 with two-star ratings were surprised visits when he wasn't there personally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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