Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"A reporter," Henry says, arms crossed. It's dawn and we're outside, in the gardens of the Chateau, staring at a very large hole in the gate that had been melted down, hidden by the wild roses. He shakes his head, glancing at me. "Where is he now?"

Ivan clears his throat. "In custody. We found him about a mile down the road, in the woods. He had pictures of the estate on his phone and admitted that the break in was to get a photo of the Princess."

"You can call me Mia by now, surely, Ivan?" I joke, trying to relieve the intensity in the air around us. Ivan smiles slightly but says nothing. Probably fearful to, Henry is in a foul mood.

"Well I'm not convinced," Henry murmurs low. He looks at Ivan. "In no way is he to be released, Ivan. Make sure of it."

Ivan nods. "I will. Men are coming to repair the gate immediately. I will oversee it personally."

"Thank you, Ivan," Henry says, grabbing my hand. "We will rest now."

As Henry pulls me away, I squeeze his hand. "Henry, nothing happened. There's no reason to be curt with Ivan."

"I wasn't being curt." I give him a look and he smirks. "I wasn't. I just- my heart is still pounding, alright? Everything that matters to me was in this house and I wasn't here-"

I stop him, clasping his face. "Stop."

I run my hand through his hair and his jaw slackens slightly from it's rigidness. "I wouldn't be able to live without you, Mia. If anything ever happened to you-"

"Don't even think of it."

"Pregnancy's are difficult," he whispers. "What if something goes wrong?"

I smile, worriedly. "Henry, you've had a rough night. You haven't slept... look, we are both fine and the baby is kicking as we speak so-"

He looks down at my belly and reaches out, pressing his hand over the large surface. He grins when he feels the kick.

"I love it when this happens. It makes it so real."

I nod, smiling. "There's nothing more real, Henry."


When Bentley's with the crown's seal pull up into the driveway, unannounced, I stare out the window, a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. My hand is protectively rubbing my stomach as I feel Henry's hand on my shoulder.

"What is your brother doing here?" I ask, glancing back at him. Henry, covered in sawdust, shakes his head. He's been outside, making a crib- a homemade crib for the nursery.

"I'm... not sure."

While I'm momentarily distracted by the way his t-shirt is clinging to his body, the sound of Daniel opening the front door makes me turn away from him, terrified. Daniel leads Richard to the sitting room, where we stand, stupefied.

Henry steps forward. "I didn't know you were coming, Richard."

"Henry. Mia." Richard inhales. "I know. I have... something I need to speak to you about, privately if I may."

Henry glances at me, and my fears are confirmed by the look in his eyes. He looks down, but nods, holding out his arm.

"We can speak in the study."

I watch them go, heart pounding. If he's here for what I think, our lives are about to change drastically.


My fingers glide over the soft petals of roses as I walk amongst the gardens, trying to clear my mind. Trying not to think that Henry has been in his study for over an hour with the King of England.

It's winter, just after Christmas but the flowers still bloom. The vineyards are closed for the winter, the trees bare. It's eerily beautiful today, since the sky is a dull gray color. I can see my breath in front of my face.

I feel his presence before he makes it known.

"Is it what we dreaded?" I ask, slowly, not turning.

"I'm afraid so."

I grimace, feeling scalding tears coming on. I try to look up at the sky, forcing them back into my skull. I walk forward, needing to move.

He follows, keeping a distance. "Things have... gotten worse. It's not the crown's reputation at stake anymore, it's the monarchy. I have favor with the privy council, despite everything. I have influence which will help my brother."

"Do you have a choice... or-"

"It was clearly an order."

I nod, feeling the baby kick hard within me, probably sensing my mood plummeting. "I see."

As I walk, I stare at the vast estate that Henry and I have loved so much, from the very beginning. Everything good that's ever happened to me has been here. I married him in France. I got pregnant in France. We've begun living a full life here... and we've been happy.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"You don't want to know," I utter truthfully, chuckling softly to keep my emotions at bay.

"I do. I know how much of a blow this has to be."

"I'm going to have my baby in England. In that cold, cruel place, Henry. Near your brother and everyone who can't stand me. We won't be able to come back. We will be completely trapped."

"You don't have to come with me, Mia. You could stay and have the child here."

I nearly see red at those words, at that ridiculous suggestion. "Well, how easily you would leave me," I growl low, shaking my head. He exhales.

"I was just suggesting it... you could come to meet me in England after the baby is born."

I turn, feeling pain now. "That's not how this works, Henry! I didn't marry you to become a fucking princess! I married you because I can't bare to ever be apart from you! I thought you felt the same way!"

He reaches for me, but I pull back. "Mia, I do. This is not what I wanted either!"

"And yet you look so calm. You look so ready to go!"

"What am I supposed to look like? Act like? This is my life, Mia. I'm sorry this is burdensome to you but this is my duty! Which I have pushed aside multiple times for us to be able to be here together!"

"Do you honestly think anyone will accept us in England? We're still not liked in France. We will be under constant scrutiny, our child will be locked away in that godforsaken palace!"

"I grew up there, Mia!"

"And you've told me countless times that you hated living there! Henry, we have a home here. We have a life... We just made a nursery..." As I go on, rambling in tears, I realize that fighting this is completely useless. We've been commanded to England- and we will go, no matter how much I hate it.

He walks up to me, clasping my face gently. His eyes are apologetic but firm. "Mia, I'm sorry..."

I move from his grasp, turning. "I want to be alone," I whisper, starting up the path again.

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