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Today I told my mom I can see ghosts. "Its not possible." She is so clueless. She probably thinks I'm lying just to get attention. Of course who would blame her. Who would possibly believe their only daughter?
"Brittney!" "What, who's there." Don't worry its probably just that dumb ghost that's been bugging the hell out of me for how long. "Brittney!" "Show yourself." "Now, now why would you want to see me." "Fine then go away." "No! I mean after all I'm just a figment of your imagination, well as your mother says. You know I never really liked your mother." "You leave my mom out of this. Now what do u want." "I want you to find out what happened to me. All I remember is the year. It was 1996." "Okay, there is only one problem with that the year right now is 1995" "yeah well that's what the year was when I died" "okay but that's all you know. Well, nice knowin' ya but I have to get to school." "Please! Brittney if, if u don't then I shall haunt you for all of eternity." "How did you." "Yes I know your little immortal secret, and just think of how miserable your undying life will be with me in it." "Okay, fine I'll look in to it but you know its not nice to black mail." "Yeah whatever."
I walk, more like run down the stairs, out the door, and in to my jeep. It's a little rusty but I like it. I speed through a red light, down the main road, and in to the school parking lot. I park in my normal spot. the closest one to the school. As soon as I get out of my jeep, Jake tries to scar me, which I usually fall for but today I'm too pissed. "Hey; Brittney what's wrong you don't seem like yourself." "nothings wrong but you aren't making my day any better ether."
As soon as I walk up the front steps the bell rings. I Stop at my locker to get my algebra book. Then I walk straight in to 1stperiod math. "So as u can see class a fraction is more like a puzzle." Bla, bla, bla all Miss. Simon does is talk, almost enough to make me fall asleep. Okay now I'm seeing things, my pencil it's moving. "Beware!" Okay now what kind of ghost would right"beware" on my homework and "beware" of what.
The beware thing is probably nothing. Just walk to 2ndperiod geography and don't even think about it. I tell myself that all the time but does it ever work. No!
"Boo!" "Jake!" "Well u seem to be in a better mood." "Yeah no thanks to you." "See ya round Brittney." "See ya."
I walk through the door to geography and go to my desk in the back row. Most people would love to be in my geography class. It always starts and ends in a debate between me, Mr. Wit, and the other students because I don't believe in war and most people don't understand why.
"Well class it looks like we have a new student joining us today. What's your name son." "Austin." "Well then you can have a seat next to Brittney in the back row don't worry she wont bite." "Not unless you piss me of."
For the rest of the class I glance over at the tall, dark and ruggedly handsome boy next to me. There is just something about his sea blue eyes and his British accent that seems to distract me.
Finally the bell rings. Time to go to study hall. I walked through the door grab a computer and sit in my seat. I log in and go to Google. I type in suicide cases in 1996. I'm not expecting to find any thing because the year right no is 1995 but I told her I would look in to it. There is only one link that stands out to me. I clink and read.
"There was one suicide case in the year 1996. The victims name unknown. The death circumstance also unknown. The police found the victim on the roof of her house with a towel wrapped around her. There was no struggling. Based on what the police know it appears to be a suicide case."
That's strange that I found something and no one claimed her at the morgue and no one knows exactly what happened to her. "Boo!" I jumped, I cant believe I jumped. "Did I scar you?" "No Austin. What do you want?" "What are you looking at." "Nothing just an old newspaper article that I have to print out at the library. So bye." "Oh well I'll come with you." "No! I mean do you have to." "Oh I, I just remembered I got to be somewhere, so I guess I'll see ya later." "Okay! Bye."I've only known Austin for an hour and my stomach flutters every time I see him.
In the hall all the way down to the library, all I hear is beware. It definitely isn't the ghost that was in my room this morning. I don't think I have ever heard anything like it before in my life but it's definitely enough to send a chill down my spine.
"Good evening, can I help you with something?" "Uh yeah can I print something." "Yes you may." Its so hard keeping a secret as big as mine. Every time I talk to someone, I think they might know something.
Why does the printer take so long? Well finely it decides to print. "Oh know stop, stop printing." "What's going on Brittney." "Austin, the printer it wont stop printing." "Just unplug it." "Oh haha thanks uh can you help me pick this up." "Sure." "Thanks." "No problem. Hey what's up with this beware crap." "Wait. What?" "All these papers, they all say beware on them." "Oh god!" "What! What is it?" "Uh um I w... why don't you come over to my house tonight and I'll explain everything." "Okay! I was kind of expecting to have to beg to get a date but okay." What a date. "Wait Austin wait stop." "See ya tonight." "Wait what I." "Bye Brittney." "Yeah." I awkwardly wave good bye, sense he doesn't give me a chance to explain that its not a date.
I can't believe I invited the new kid to my house. Well he is pretty cute. But what am I suppose to say. "Hi my names Brittney and I'm immortal and I can see ghosts."
I see my best friend walking up to me, with her golden blond curly hair bunched up into a bun. "Hey Brittney." "Oh hi Nora what's up." "Not much, you." "You wont believe what's up with me. Okay I just invited Austin to come over to my house tonight." " You're kidding me." "No and guess what I'm suppose to tell him." "What?" "My big secret." "Oh! My! God!" Her big green eyes go wide studying my expression as she figures out I'm desperate and pleading for help as she says. "Well good luck. Call me and tell me everything okay. I got to get to class." "Uh yeah okay." Nora is pretty much my only friend. I don't socialize much. And the one day I need her she's busy.
Okay what am I going to do about tonight? I think I'm going to cut class, go home, and relax. I go to the main office to sign out, then I walk out the front door and to my jeep. I hop in and pop in my favorite CD, of The Band Perry with the my favorite song called If I Die Young , then I just sit here for a minute, to take a deep breath. "I hope that dumb ghost isn't in my room waiting for me to get home."
I start the engine, drive out of the parking lot, drive down State Street, pull in to my driveway and I cut the engine.
I run through the back door, up the stairs and to my room and the first thing I see is my mom sitting on my bed staring at the main wall. So I look at it and nearly jump out of my skin because I see the word beware painted in what looks like blood.

Unknown Ghost (Saving Nora)Where stories live. Discover now