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I wake up to the sound of chewing in my ear. I open my eyes and see the summer sun beating down through the window.
"Good morning." "Oh yes good morning Austin. Where are we and were is Dylan and papa." "We are at a local gas station in Knox. Dylan and Ken are in the store. Here do you want a strawberry pop-tart. I brought it with me from the cabin." "No thanks I'm good."
"Suit yourself. So do you really love him." "What?" "Dylan, do you really love him?" "Why do people keep asking me that?" "I don't know I was just wondering." "Yes I really do. Ever sense we were little. We both found out that we both had powers the same day. I found out the hard way. I went to a local grave yard on Halloween with some friends. Now this was when I didn't hang out with the best kind people.
"Hey Dylan! Your back." "Yeah I brought you a drink baby." "Okay nice to know he's back now as you were saying, Brittney." "Oh sorry." "What are you guys talking about." "I'm telling Austin about when I first found out I had powers." "Oh yeah that was back when you had a bad girl side." "Hey I wasn't that bad I just wrote some graffiti and stuff like that."well anyway Brittney can you get back to your story."
"Well okay so I went to the grave yard and everything was fine for a while we were messing around on the tomb stones until a women grabbed my arm she said 'I'm trying to find my son. Have you seen him.' and I responded. 'Sorry who is your son.' Then she disappeared in thin air. Then a man came at me with an ax. He swung. I screamed and the ax went right through me like air. I was so freaked out and embarrassed. All my friends thought I was crazy." "Wow that would be freaky." Oh no worse then freaky you couldn't even describe how terrified I was but I learned how to control it so that only the ghosts that really need my help can get through to me."that's really cool so how did Dylan find out he is part wolf." "Oh him he went out during a fool moon." "Haha baby that's funny."'Well you did." "Yeah I was looking for you on the same night remember. I always worried about you." Oh thanks but no need I can take care of myself." "I know you can."
"Hey kids sorry to interrupt but we're here." "Here where papa this is a grave yard the same grave yard I discovered my powers." "i know there is a passage way right here that leads to an underground science lab." "Oh and that's were Nora is." "Yes baby I smell her." "Good. Now how do we find the entrance?" "Oh baby doll that's easy its right over here." "Oh."
My papa picks up a cement angel off a tomb stone and threw it off to the side. The ground shook and two chamber doors flew open. The steps look dusty and old. "Wow I don't really want to go down there." "Oh man up Austin." "Please Austin for Nora. Please be brave." "Okay Brittney for you I will go down those creepy dark stairs." "Okay kids lets go." "We are not kids."
We walk down the creepy cement steps. The walls are covered with cob webs. I walk right in to a spider web "ahhhhh" "shhhh" "sorry I'm deathly afraid of spiders." "Its okay baby just try to be quiet." "Sorry."
We walk slowly down a hallway. Water is flooding the path way and there are rats sneaking around. We walk to the end of the hall and stop at a door. "Are you going to open it?" "Why don't you?" "I have an idea why not let the old man do it?" "Well Austin that would be you." "Haha very funny." "Come on guys stop fighting." "Exactly and besides I'm not old. I'm only 66." "Come on papa open the door. We need to find Nora." "Okay." He opens the door. We look in and it is another hall way with windows on both sides looking down to a laboratory. I look out and see Nora strapped to a steel table. "Oh Nora." I say softly. I see a man in white scrubs filling a syringe. He looks up at the window. We all duck down very quickly. I sneak my head back up so I can see and the man continues working. He takes the syringe and sticks it in Nora's arm.
"Papa what's he doing." "It's okay he is injecting her with a sleeping liquid it will just make her heart rate go down and it will make her sleep for hours." "Sir how do you know that." "Well Dylan at one time I was caught by them along time ago and I remember that same man putting the same orange liquid in my arm." "Oh." "See Dylan you can trust me." The man took Nora off the table and put her in a wheelchair and pushed her in to another room. "Where is he taking her." "To a cell which is were she will be for the next three hours so we better get going." "We should split up just in case one of us gets caught.
"I'm not leaving Brittney." "Well I'm her grandfather so she is coming with me." "I don't think she is." "Papa it's okay. I'm going with Dylan." "But I really think you should come with me." "No. I'm going with Dylan. Now you and Austin go back the way we came to look around. Me and Dylan will go this way." Dylan and I go straight to the other side of the hall and we find an old stair case leading down to the lab. We walk down the stair very quietly and we catch up to the man who is pushing Nora in to a dark room. Dylan runs to catch the door before it closes and locks us out. We rush in to the room. It has dirt walls and a dirt floor. I look around and see big iron cages everywhere. One has another werewolf in it and one has a women who quickly turns in to a mouse
"Dylan were did that creepy man go." "I don't know but look there's Nora." I run over to the iron cage. "Nora, Nora wake up!" "You cant wake her." A strange deep voice says."the doctor gave her a sleeping drug. She has been a real pain since they brought her here." it is the strange werewolf. He is a really pretty wolf. The color of beautiful white snow. "But it wont hurt her will it." "No young lady it wont." "Okay so Dylan how do we get her out." "Here stand back." I stand up out of Dylan's way. "can I borrow your shirt." He asks with a teasing tone to his voice. "No you can use yours." "Oh fine." He grabs the neck of his shirt and pulls it up over his head. Revealing his strong flexing muscles. He grabs the lock and wraps his shirt around it. He pulls hard on the lock until I hear a soft snap. The lock breaks. He tosses the lock to me.
"See you can trust me." He says teasingly. He opens the door and I run in and pull Nora's head on to my lap. I look up at Dylan. "What do we do?" "I'll carry her." "Okay good idea." We walk out of the cage as the beautiful white werewolf says. "Take me with you." I hear a little squeak from the mouse. "Me to." "Dylan should we take them." "Please take us with you. We can help you." "How do we know you wont betray us." "I give you my word as a fellow werewolf." "How did you." "I knew your father Dylan." Dylan stands there starring at the wolf."Come on Dylan we need to go." He puts Nora's arm around my neck and grab's his shirt off the wet floor and breaks the lock very quickly. He does the same for the mouse. "Now come on." He takes back Nora and we run out the door forgetting about the man in the white scrubs. We freeze when we see him standing at a desk. His back to us.
"Brittney how nice of you to join me." He turns around to face me revealing a man with a red beard and shaved head with a strange tattoo of a black scorpion down his face. "Who are you and how do you know my name." "Oh I'm just an old family friend. Well more like your uncle." "My uncle I don't have an uncle." "Oh sure you do I'm surprised you father didn't mention me." "Sorry my dad is dead along with all his cruel memories." "I'm so sorry." "Oh I bet you are." "well to make things easy for you I am going to give you a solution for you problem." "I'm listening." "I will let your friends go including your new found friends old Cliff and Marcy over there if you stay." "Don't agree to that Brittney. I'm not leaving you." "Dylan I will be fine. I promise. Take the others and find papa and Austin and get out of here. I will meet you outside." "No! I won't leave you." "Dylan I love you now please go." He starts moving away. "I love you more than anything." "Go now." They start running up the stairs.
"So Brittney shall we begin." "Begin what?" "you know you father was a great man. The best scientist in the state of Pennsylvania and your grandfather worked along side him for many years." "What does this have to do with me." "All this has to do with you sweetheart. Your father was the best at doing what your kind does." "And what is that?" "Helping spirits cross over." "Oh I see. It all has to do with my powers." "And he ends up with a daughter who doesn't even appreciate her powers." "Your really starting to piss me off!" "And a wife that thinks he is crazy." "Your crossing the line." Wind starts blowing around me. A lightning bolt hits the mans computer. "Wow you are as powerful as your father." "You want more?" "Yeah lets see what you got." another lightning bolt hits the ground. Fire starts flickering at the rhythm of the wind. The fire grows and catches the wooden desk on fire. The man jumps out of its way. He stumbles and hits the ground. I shoot another lightning bolt. It hits the ground splitting it apart. Fire comes shooting out of the ground. I notice that I am no longer touching the ground.
"Stop, stop this place is going to explode." my feet touch the ground. "Then you better run." the man is on the other side of the fire he tries to jump over but he cant. "Help me!" "Why would I you kidnapped and drugged my friend." "Please!" "No." I run up the stairs as fast as I can before this place can explode. I ran out the door through the hall. My feet splashing in the muddy water. I run up the old dusty stairs. I see Dylan and the others waiting around for me. "Run!" Dylan grabs Nora and we run as fast as we can dodging tomb stone after tomb stone. Until the ground erupts." Rocks and dirt goes flying and a gust of wind blows us all over. When the dirt and rocks stop hitting the ground I uncover my head and sit up on my knees. I'm totally covered in mud.
"Is everyone okay." "No Brittney! What did you do!" "I controlled the weather?" "Yes you did baby doll." "Yeah I didn't know I could do that." "You took the power of the spirit world and combined it with the seasons. I told you that's why you need lessons." "For real. Your going to lecture me now." "Yes I am." "Come on baby lets go home." "Yeah" he gives me his hand and pules me up off the ground and polls me close to him."I love you more then anything in the world. You now that right?" "Yes Dylan and I love you more then you will ever know and we will be together forever." "Hey what happened?" "Nora your awake."Yeah thank you guys for coming to save me I knew you would." "I lean over beside her and give her a big hug. "Can we go home I'm tired" "haha yes Nora we can."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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