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While everyone went upstairs to pick a room out I went in to the living room and sat down on a comfy dark brown leather couch to read the letter. I opened up the rose red envelope took out a folded up piece of paper and started to read.
Dear, granddaughter
I know we never met in person, but I know a lot about you, for example the gifts that you have. I bet you don't know why you have them. The truth is that your grandmother was a witch. Back in our day when your mother was just born your grandmother was hung because she was a witch. But she was not the kind of witch that you are thinking of. She was the kind that could see ghosts from the passed, present and future. For this reason she was put to death and this is why I am leaving you my cottage. For you to use your powers somewhere safe and quiet and don't worry someday we will meet.
"Hey Brittney the showers free and there's a room with your stuff in it just waiting to be unpacked" "okay thanks" "hey sweaty are you okay." "Yeah I'm fine." "Well you cant be fine if your crying." "Really Dylan I'm fine. It was just the letter." "Okay well then go upstairs get a shower, unpack your stuff, and then come back down stairs and I will have something waiting for you to eat does that sound good." "It sounds great thanks baby."
I get up off the couch walk over to my gorgeous boyfriend and kiss him and he kiss's me back. Then he pull's away and says. "You better go get your shower." "Yeah I know. You want to come with me?" "No I'm going to start cooking." "Okay."We kiss one last time then I go up stairs to just relax and unpack my stuff.
The good thing about my room is that it has a queen size bed, a TV, and a walk in closet. Its like a dream come true I think my papa refurbished the whole cottage.
When I am done getting a shower. I get dressed and comb my hair. I hang my close up in the closet and made my bed then I decide to see what the rest of the cottage is like I walk to the room next to mine, which looks like Dylan's room. He probably wants the room closest to me. His room is the total opposite of mine. In his room all the blinds are up so I guess I can assume he likes the light and daytime. He has light colored bedding and no incense or candles. In my room all the blinds are down and I have dark colored bedding and incense and candles everywhere. The room already had candles and incense everywhere. I guess my papa left them here for me because he new I like them.
When I am done looking in Dylan's room I go down stairs. There is no dining room and I already saw the living room so I go into the kitchen to see what Dylan is making for me to eat.
"Hey Brittney." "Hi." "You know what's funny all the cabinets are full and all the food is good. It looks like someone just went shopping." "Uh yeah and another thing I don't think my papa is dead. The letter was dated a year after he supposedly died so my mom would not have even known about the letter because the only time we came here was the time we thought he died." "That's strange. Maybe he new we were coming, got the house ready and left." "Maybe." "Okay well you don't have to think about it right now. All you have to do is eat and relax." "My two favorite words eat, and relax." "Haha well anyway I made you a salad, and some bread sticks." "Sounds good." "Oh how's your leg." "Its a lot better as you can see. I can walk on it." "Yeah I guess you can"
Dylan puts the dishes of food on the table and calls for Nora and Austin. Then he walks up behind me sitting on my stall and he puts his finger softly on my lower back and moves his finger up my spine and I get this tingling feeling and I almost cant stand it. But when his finger reaches the top of my back he starts rubbing my shoulders and surprisingly I say. "Dylan you don't have to do that." "I wont if you don't like it." "Oh no its fine." I sit here for a minute or so with my eyes shut letting the butterflies in my stomach flutter away. Then he stops and I snap out of the trances that I fell into and open my eyes.
He sits down beside me and calls for Nora and Austin again. Finally Nora comes down from up stairs and Austin comes in from out side and Dylan asks them. "Are you guys hungry." "Boy am I." Austin answered after he grabbed an apple off the counter."Is that all you are eating." "Yep unlike you Dylan I don't eat like a pig." "Wow Austin that's kind of funny coming from a pig." "Ha ha very funny." "Yeah I know it was haha."
I just ignore them and walk over to Nora. "Are you hungry Nora. We can eat up stair away from the boys." "No I'm not really hungry." "Oh well you want to do something." "No I'm just going to go up stairs and relax." "Oh are you sure you don't want to talk or anything?" "Yep." Then Nora turns around and walks slowly up the stairs. Then I turn and look at the boys. "Are you two done arguing." "Yes honey." "Good! Hey Austin what were you doing out side." Oh I was looking in the creek to see if there are any frogs or fish." "Cool are there any." "Yeah there are quite a few fish but I only saw a couple of frogs." "Cool maybe you and I can try and catch some." "Yeah and ill just sit on the porch swing." "Oh baby are you jealous?" "No!" "Oh okay whatever you say." "I saw a fish tank down in the basement. I can bring it up while you and Austin catch fish." "I wonder if there will be snakes. I love snakes."
"Hey Brittney before you do that don't you have a future ghost to meet with." "Oh yeah that's right thanks for reminding me." After I am done eating I go up stairs to my room with Dylan following behind me I call for Nora. "Nora I'm going to call your ghost do you want to come in?" "Sure." We all walk in to my room and Nora shut the door behind her. Nora and Dylan both sit on the floor. And I sit down cross-legged on my bed.
I close my eyes and picture a white light with a 14-year-old girl walking toward me. I open my eyes to see Dylan and Nora staring at me but no ghost. So I close my eyes and try again but still nothing.
"I'm sorry, guys I just can get anything" "Its okay honey." "Yeah its okay Brittney." "Oh Nora I really am sorry." "Brittney its okay really it is." "Thanks Nora but I wander why I can't get through to her." "Maybe she's busy." "Yeah that's it. Nice try Nora." "Well don't worry about it honey you can go outside and just hang out for a while you know catch frogs with Austin." "Good idea Dylan." "Yeah I think I'm going to do that." "Uh yeah I'm just going to stay up here and hang out in my room for a while." "Are you sure Nora?" "Yeah." "Well okay."
Dylan grabs my hand and pulls me down stairs out the side door and to the porch swing. I am about to sit down when Dylan catches my arm and stands me back up. He sits down where I was going to sit and pulls me on to his lap. He kisses my cheek and we listen to the birds, the frogs and the wind howling through the trees. Then I break the silence by saying.
"I think Nora is hiding something from us." "Really. Why?" I don't know. I guess its just the way she has been acting." "Yeah I guess she has been acting a little funny but wouldn't you if you just found out that you might die with in a few days." "Yeah I guess I would but I think I'm going to talk to her before I go to bed tonight." "Good idea." "Uh yeah well Dylan." "What?" "Can you let go of my hand its starting to turn purple." "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hold your hand so tight." "It's okay baby really it is."
"I think I'm going to catch some frogs. Do you think you could go and get the fish tank ready?" "Hay I can do that." "Thanks." "Yep" I get up and head to the stream but I think I hurt Dylan's feelings so I turn around and right before he goes inside I say. "Dylan." "Yes." "Oh I uh well never mind." "Okay are you sure you don't need anything before I go inside?" "Yeah I I'm good." "Okay"
I walk over to Austin. "Hey Austin can I try?" "Yeah why not." "Cool." I catch a frog right away. Dylan brings out the fish tank and I walk over and drop the dark green fat frog in and Dylan and I both walk inside. I walk over to the sink and wash my hands. "Are you done catching frogs already." "Yeah I guess I just got bored."
Suddenly we both hear a loud banging at the front door. And since Austin is out back we both know that isn't him "d-d-did you hear that." "Yes! I think someone is at the front door." "Oh okay do I have to answer it." "I could come with you." "Yeah that might be a good idea since you're the big strong wolf man." Whoever is out there starts banging on the door again. Dylan and I walk to the door cautiously and open it.
"Dylan do you see what I see." "Yeah I do. Nobody's there." "Oh god Austin." We both run through the kitchen and out the back door. Austin is laying in the grass out cold Dylan and I both run to him and try to wake him up "Austin, Austin get up Austin." We slowly opened his eyes.
"A girl with hair the color of blood. She tazered me." "What the girl from Wendy's" Dylan perks up "Brittney, Nora." "Oh my god." I get up in a hurry and almost slip and fall on my face I run to the door when Dylan yells. "Brittney you stay here with Austin I will look for her." "Don't, don't forget to check the roof." My heart starts pounding when I say that. But all I can do for now is go back over to Austin. I sit down next to him. He tries to sit up and I push him back down. "Don't if you get up to fast then you can get a massive migraine." "Why?" "Because of all the shock waves going through your body from the tazer." "Oh. How do you know that?" "I do a lot of research."
Dylan comes running through the back door. "She's gone!" "What she, she cant be!" "But she is. I'm so sorry Brittney." He walks up to me and he wraps his arms around me. I start crying until I get a hold of myself.
"That means she's isn't dead." "Not exactly Brittney. Both the ghost and the old news paper said she was found on her roof in Knox." "Yeah I know."
Suddenly my new found cat, Simon runs up to me and rubs her head on my leg's then she steps back and right before my eyes she transforms into my grandpa who was dead I stopped and just stared at this tall figure with a brown and gray beard and brown hair pulled back in to a ponytail. He has the most beautiful blue eyes and a happy smile. He's wearing blue jeans and a moss green long sleeved sweatshirt.
He looks at me and says "shocked" I stand there with my mouth hanging open looking like an idiot for a few minute."I-I-I-I thought you were dead." "That was the idea. There are cruel nasty people looking to find and destroy us. I had no choice but to hide." "Well that explains why Nora is gone." "Dylan relax it's my grandpa." Sorry baby." "Now lets get down to business. When did Nora get taken." "About a half-hour ago." "Great baby doll that means we have lots of time we will stay the night here then we will catch the bus to Knox in the morning." "Good plan. Uh what should I call you?" "Oh my name is Ken, Dylan." "Hey papa can I call you that?" "Yes of course baby doll." "No one has called me that in years I love it."
After all the trouble with Nora being taken I am starting to feel better because we have plenty of time to save her at least that is what my papa says.
So we all walked back in to the house and separated. My papa is going to the living room to take a nap. Austin is going to his room to read his comic books. Dylan is going to his room to well I don't know and I am going to my room to meditate.
I walk up the stairs to my room. I close the door and sit on my bed cross legged deep breathing. Minutes into my meditation there is a loud banging at my door. I jump off my bed walk over and open the door . It's Dylan standing there with a look on his face that tells me he thinks he is going to do something really stupid. I open my mouth to speak but I don't have a chance to. He pushes me up against the wall and kisses me hard and long then he picks me up still kissing me and I kissing him and he throws me on the bed he runs over and shuts the door. I sit up and he kisses me so hard I fall back down and surprisingly I like it. I pull at his shirt it fly's over his head and I run my fingers down his chest. So smooth. I love him so much. He try's pulling my shirt up over my head. I start laughing while kissing him again and again then out of breath he pulls away and lays down next to me. Without a word I sit up and throe my leg over him so I am sitting on top of him.
"Am I too intense for you Dylan baby." I say teasingly. "No. I thought I would be the one who was to intense."I lean over to kiss him softly on his warm lips.
There was a knock on the door and I jump and fall off the bed. Laying on my back I say. "Come in" I pop my head up and see Dylan siting up right and my grandpa standing in the door way.
"Hey baby doll I was just checking on you. uh why are you on the floor?" "Oh um just meditating." "Oh I see. Well have fun kids." "Yep. Thanks papa." He turns around and shuts the door behind him.
"That was close." "Yeah Dylan I uh think I'm tired." "Okay. I love you baby." "Yeah okay bye." Within a few second I am alone in my room once again. I don't really like being alone but yet all I want is to be alone so I'm just going to bed.

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