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I woke up to Austin screaming at Dylan. As soon as I sat up I saw two wolves lunging at each other. One I new was Dylan and the other I had never seen before but I put two and two together. I mean hearing Austin's voice and he wasn't were he was sleeping. So I figured it must e Austin.
I open my mouth and say. "Dylan Austin if you don't stop fighting you're both going to be in the dog house." And they froze cold as ice. "Now sit." "Brittney I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be fighting with Austin but he started it." "Hey I didn't start anything. You're the one who came with Nora and took my girlfriend." "Yeah well you're the one who cheated on her with her best friend." "Yeah after you took her." "Stop arguing for god sake."
"Hey what's going on? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." "Why don't you ask them." "What! Why am I seeing doubles" "you're not. One of them is Austin. It's the one that looks like he's wearing slippers." "Yeah he's kind of cute, as a wolf." "Yeah but he's loud as hell." "What's his dog name." "I don't know. Ask him." "What's your wolf name." "Its Sphinx." "Cool name!" "Do you even know what a Sphinx is." "No Brittney. Do you?" "Yeah I do. It's an Egyptian sculptor that has the body of a lion and the head of a Pharaoh. I've always wanted to go to Egypt but I haven't got there yet." "Cool." "Anyway are you two done fighting cause I'd really like to get back to sleep. Come on Dylan." "But he." "No buts. Come on." "Fine." After the fight we all finally go to sleep.
When we woke up we packed all our things and left for the bus stop. The bus is about to leave when we get here. "We made it but it's going to be a long ride. A couple of hours at least."Said Dylan as he gently put me down in my seat and sat down beside me. "Good thing I brought my tablet and pen to write with. I think I'm going to work on my poetry."
How would you feel? How do you feel when no one cares to take a second look at you? You feel like a ghost. no one listens to you. Know one notices you. They don't care to even know you. The phantom of the opera feeling alone. Me as a phantom I love to be alone. Don't have many friends. Don't have many plans. A ghost. A ghost am I.
"Hey what you writing." "Oh just working on my poetry." "I didn't know you were still writing poetry." "Yeah I gust love to write so well you know." "Can I read it." "Uh yeah. Why not?" "Cool"
I hope she likes it. I wonder what she's going to say about it. "Wow! This... this is really good!" "Thanks Nora." "I think u have gotten better sense the last time I read on of your poems." "Thank you so much."
"Hey girls there's going to be a stop. Do you need anything?" "No we are good, thanks Dylan." "Okay. Hey Austin you want a drink or something?" "No thanks Dylan."
Beware "Nora did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Oh never mind." 'Beware!' "Stop. Stop it." "Brittney, Brittney what's wrong?" "She she's screaming beware at me. That's all I can hear. Please Nora! Just make it stop!"
"Brittney, Brittney wake up. Are you okay?" "Uh Dylan? What... What happened." "You passed out. You said that a ghost was screaming beware at you and then you passed out." "I got you a water its nice and cold." "Thanks Austin." "Yep." "Oh god I saw something. I cant remember what it was but I know I saw something it was about the ghost we we need to get to Philly and to a library right away." "Okay just calm down. You were out a wile. We should be there within five minutes okay so just relax until then." "Okay ill try Dylan."
For those long five minutes all I did was sit there on the bus seat with a migraine an unbearable migraine but we finely got there. Dylan picked me up off the seat then put me back on my feet I put my arm around his neck and he helped me walk off the bus. Luckily there was a map at the bus stop.
"Okay it looks like the library is right around the corner." "Come on Dylan." "Come on Nora, Austin." "Were coming Dylan." Good thing my leg is starting to feel better I can at least walk on it well with Dylan's help. "Here it is. Come on guys."
We walked up the stairs through the door and signed up for a computer. I clicked on the Internet icon. Dylan sat down beside me. And Austin and Nora both went to look for books to check out. I went to Google and typed in suicide of Bell Sanders. nothing came up so then I went to and typed in Bell Sanders. I have no idea how I know her last name. But I did. When the computer was done loading a picture filled the screen
"Dylan does she look familiar to you?" "Uh yeah she does but I don't know were I have seen her before." "Oh my god, oh my god Dylan its Nora one year later." " Are you sure?" "Yes I mean think about it. Nora's nickname is Bell and I never thought about it but her last name is Sanders." "Yeah but Nora isn't dead." "Not yet. That's what we need to stop. She's 14 in this picture and she's only 13. We only have two days till her 14th birthday." "Well how are we suppose to tell her?" "I don't know." "Hey guys did you find anything." "Uh yeah Nora we actually did." "Hey that looks like me." "Uh yeah Nora that's because it is you. You're the ghost that I'm trying to figure out only your ghost is 14." "Are you telling me that I'm going to die in a few days." "No you're not going to die. I would never let that happen. We are going to stop whatever is going to happen." "Yes whatever it takes Nora we will stop it." "Are you sure Dylan. I mean are you sure what if you cant stop it." "It will be fine I promise." "Okay thanks Brittney." "Yep"
"Now lets get going. It's only a short walk to the cottage I remember coming here to look at it with my mom after my papa died." "Yeah okay but Austin and I need to check out these books." "Okay me and Dylan will meet you outside." "Yep we wont be long." "Come on Dylan."
We walked outside and sat on the steps. "So Dylan I think I should call the ghost when we get to the cottage." "Yeah good idea" suddenly Dylan perked up like he heard or saw something."What wrong." "Shhhhhh!" "But." "Shhhhhh!" "Fine." "Quiet!"
After a wile Nora and Austin come out and Dylan starts to calm down. "Dylan did you hear something." "I thought I did." "Well just forget it. Lets go." Nora and Austin started walking and I was waiting for Dylan to help me get up but Dylan doesn't budge. "Hey are you guys coming." "Uh yeah sorry."After Dylan shook it off he helped me get up and we started walking. We walked through the woods behind the library. There is a dirt road that looks like it hadn't been used for a while.
"Hey Brittney are you sure you know where you're going." "I'm positive." I keep looking at Dylan who is picking flowers for most of the walk. He gives me the flowers and says. "Of course she does." "Oh thank you. There beautiful and my favorite, wild flowers." "Really." "Yep." "Cool." "Okay guys enough of the love fest. Can we keep going?" "What's the hurry Austin." "No hurry. I just don't want to be stuck out here at night." "Fine. Come on."
We walked through some trees at the end of the road and suddenly appeared a beautiful cottage with a stream right next to it."This is it." "Wow this is awesome." "Yeah I know right now come on lets go inside I could really use a shower." "Yeah"
We walked through the door and the first room we saw was the kitchen. It has a little island right in the middle of it for us to eat meals at and maple wood cabinets on two of the four walls. On the island is a note that says to Brittney from Papa.
"Hey Brittney what's that." "Oh it's a letter to me from my papa." "Oh that's cool." "Yeah its great but its funny how my mom just left it here and never gave it to me."

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