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Buy the time we're done cleaning the wall it's almost 6:00 and Austin is coming over at 8:00. That means I only have 2 hours to get ready. I don't even know what I'm going to wear. Okay I'll just through on some deodorant and my favorite pink summer dress.
Now that I have some time to kill, I can try to call that dumb ghost. All I need to do is think. Think about the ghost. Hear her voice and she'll come. "You called." "Uh yeah that was fast. I found an old newspaper." "Let me read it. This was definitely me but it was no suicide. I don't know who killed me and I don't know what they did to me." "So you don't remember anything." "No nothing." "Oh well that helps."
The doorbell rings. "You! You need to evaporate or what ever it is that you do. Just go now!" "Okay, okay why so pushy." "No reason just go!" "Okay whatever. See you in the after life little girl." I wander what that means. I mean, "see you in the after life" that's a real nice farewell.
"Oh hi you must be Austin." "Yes mum that's me." "Cool! Well I'm Brittney's mom but you can call me Sharon." "Okay cool." "You can head up to her room. She should be up there." "Thank you."
He's coming up. Just play it cool. I know, I'll grab my favorite book and lay on my bead. Just act natural. "Hey Brittney." "Oh hey Austin. Your early." "Oh yeah well its better to be early then late you know." "Yeah." "So what are you reading." "Its called The Summoning. Its one of my favorite books. Have you heard of it?" "Yeah its one of my favorites." "Yeah, cool!" "So there's something you wanted to explain to me." "Uh yeah okay you may want to sit down for this. Here you can sit next to me on my bed." "Okay."
He's probably going to think I'm crazy. But who cares just tell him. "Okay hear I go I-I-I" "Hey, Brittney just spit it out. You can trust me. Whatever it is I promise I wont freak." "Okay I I'm immortal and can see ghosts." "Are you serious." "Yes I'm serious." "Well let me ask you a question have you ever been diagnosed with I don't know insanity!" "No! Wait you, you said that you wouldn't freak and why would I lie about something like that? Why can't you just believe me? Austin please." "Oh okay fine but I'm going to need some proof." "Good." "So do you still sleep and eat like normal people do." "Haha yeah why wouldn't I?" "Oh I don't know. I mean you know its just different." "Yeah I know."
"Austin, Brittney can I come in." " Yeah mama." " Hey suppers almost ready. Austin are you staying for supper. We're having tacos." "Uh yeah ill stay, I mean if it's okay with Brittney." "Of course it's okay with me." " I guess I'm staying." "It should be done in about 5 minutes, so come down when your ready." "Okay we'll be down. Thanks mama."
"So what do you think your mom thought we were doing up here." "I don't know. She probably thought we were like, well kissing, I guess which would never happen because we don't have feelings for each other, now do we." "I don't think so. Well I guess there's only one way to find out, right."
He-he-he's leaning in to kiss me. Okay just, just stay calm. I close my eyes and when my lips meet his I tense. It's like a volcano erupting. I can feel this warm spark of electricity go through my body."Do you ever relax." "No I don't. Just kiss me." I put my hands around his neck and he turns me so I'm laying flat on my bed. "I guess that answers that question. I love..." "Don't say it." "What?" "I love you. Don't say that."He ruins the moment right when he says that "Why?" "Because I'm not ready for that. I mean we just met. We shouldn't have even kissed." "Okay its cool." "We should go down stairs. Suppers probably ready." "Yeah okay."
We hold hands and walk down the stairs, to the kitchen were my mom is lighting a candle and putting it in the middle of the table. "Hey kids its ready." We all sit down to eat and just when I thought that dumb beware ghost is done bothering me it started whispering in my ear. "Hey are you okay." "Oh yeah I'm fine." "So Austin are you and my daughter dating." "mama!" "Its okay Brittney. Uh yeah I would say we are. I love your daughter vary much and I would like to continue seeing her." "Well that's good just make sure you treat her like an angel." "Don't worry I will." I feel my face turn bright red and hot I mean they talk like I'm not even here.
"Well Brittney, thank you for supper but I have to get going." "Okay see you tomorrow." He kisses me in the doorway, before he leaves and I can hear my heart beat like a drum. "Brittney can you come here I have something I would like to talk about with you." "Hold on ill be there in a minute." "bye." "See ya."
"Brittney!" "Coming, what is it." "Have a seat dear. Okay I think you should go to the St. Cloud Clinic." "Okay! What's that." It's a place for teens that hear and see things that are not there." "What! You're kidding me." "Know I'm not kidding, your go whether you like it or not." "No! I'm not going." "Yes! You are, now get up stairs and pack. They're expecting you tomorrow morning."
I'm going up stairs but the last thing I'm going to do is pack to be shipped off somewhere. So I call Austin and Nora to tell them to meet me at Wendy's promptly at midnight and I'll explain everything there. So I pack clothes and all the money I earned working for the animal shelter.
By the time I'm done getting ready, my mom's asleep and I'm out the door. I have to leave my jeep so the engine wont wake my mom up. It's a good thing Wendy's is only two blocks away from my house.
When I get there Austin and Nora are both sitting at the same table drinking cappuccinos. "Hey I ordered you a hot chocolate." "Thanks Austin." He grabs my hand and pulls me over to the table. He pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit. "So what's going on." "My mama is shipping me of to St. Cloud clinic." "What's that?" "It's a place were teens go when they hear and see things." "Oh." "Yeah so I'm leaving town." "Tonight?" "Yeah so are you guys coming or what." "I'm in I mean whatever it is you want to do I'm behind you 100%." "Thanks babe. so Nora are you coming?" "I have a bad feeling about this but you can count me in." "Good so you guys go back to your houses and pack. Grab all the money you can. Were going to need it and be careful not to wake anyone up." "We'll be back." "Hurry!

Unknown Ghost (Saving Nora)Where stories live. Discover now