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I wake up. Dylan is still holding me while Austin and Nora lay on the dirt ground in there sleeping bags, they have with them. Dylan sees I'm a wake.
"Good morning want me to fetch something for breakfast." "No! I'm not really hungry." He tries to get up but I push him back down. "Don't move can you just stay here with me and talk." He smiles. "Yeah I can do that." "You know getting shipped off wasn't the only reason I left. I want to find myself. I want to know what my calling is, my destiny. What I'm meant to do. Who I'm meant to be." "I can answer some of those questions. Your Brittney, the most amazing girl I know. You've been given a gift and your meant to use that gift to help the ghosts that need your help." "Yeah I guess." "But hey what about you. Why do you think you were given your gift?" "What gift?" "Being a werewolf." "Oh that. Yeah that's not a gift it's a curs." "No its not you being part wolf can really help us." "How?" "you can protect us with your clause, teeth, speed, and strength. And besides you're the only one I feel safe with." "Yeah I guess."
Once I think I lost that ghost. "Boo!" I hop out of Dylan's grip. "Oh god you need to stop doing that." "Who are you talking to." "Just this dumb ghost I've been trying to help but she hasn't made it easy on me." "Oh who's this handsome young man." "His names Dylan and he's my handsome young man." "Chill! He can't see me anyway." "No! He cant."
"So did you find anything else out about me?" "No! I haven't had the chance." "Well if it helps I remember my name is belle and I lived in a small town called Knox." "Well yeah it kind of does." "No need to be such a B..." "Say it I dare you." "If I do what would you do about it? You can't lay a finger on me." "You'd be surprised." "Yeah right."
She vanishes in thin air. "She's gone." "What's her name? Do you know?" "Yeah its belle." "That sounds very familiar." "Yeah I know right." "What do you know about her?" " She lived here in Pennsylvania the police found her on top of her roof with a towel wrapped around her and the sad thing is no one claimed her at he morgue and the weird thing is she died in 1996." "That is weird and that would suck if no one claimed me at the morgue." "I know! It would."
"We should wake the others up." "Oh come on do we have to. Cant we just ditch them." "No! Brittney we cant. Nora, Austin come on get up. We need to go" "Okay, okay I'm up." "Nora come on Austin's up" "Yeah, yeah I'm up." "Okay lets go."
Dylan and I take the lead as Nora and Austin follow close behind. "Tell me about the beware ghost." "Who told you about that." "Nora and Nora heard it from Austin." "Wow! word sure does travel fast." "Yeah so tell me." "Well the first time I heard from her my pencil moved by its self and wrote the word beware on my algebra homework. The second time she made the printer at school go craze, and the last time I heard from her I got home, went up to my room and saw my mom sitting on my bed staring at the wall which had the word beware painted on it in blood" "What!" "Gotcha haha, it was just paint." "Oh." "Yeah and besides all that, I hear that ghost whisper beware to me all the time." "Well it, it cant hurt you can it." "No ghosts cant touch living objects." "Good."
"Hey Dylan look it's the old warehouse." "Yeah I see it. Nora, Austin there it is now here's the plan I will go first to make sure it's safe, okay and you stay here got it." "Got it mangy mutt." "You call me that one more time and I'll bite your head off got it." "Yes sure, mange mutt." "That's it let me at him." "No! Dylan don't I mean I hate him too but you don't see me using him as a punching bag." "I know but." "No buts." "Fine sorry Brittney. Do you want to come make sure its safe so that way I can make sure you're safe at the same time." "Okay."
We walk out of the woods cautiously. Dylan barks to see if anyone would answer and as soon as we know it's safe we'll call Nora and Austin. "Hey guys its safe." "now there's two rooms to chose from so that means we have to share so who's going where." "Austin and I can sleep in here, you and Brittney can sleep in there." "Yeah I better sleep In the same room as you Dylan because you'll need to change before you go to bed." "Thanks Brittney for helping me with the wolf changing thing." "Well I know you'd do the same for me." "Yeah I would." "I'm tired so I'm going to get ready for bed then I can help you change into your K9 self." "Haha okay."
I change into my pajamas then I help Dylan change back to wolf man. I can't imagine what he goes through with all his muscles and bones twisting and reforming. Just watching him suffer for those few minutes of his life makes me feel so bad for him.
"So we're going to a cottage in Philly. My papa left it to my mama and she didn't know what to do with it so I'm pretty sure she forgot about it but anyway we can stay there for a wile." "Okay but how are we going to get to Philly." "Well we have a few options, one we could hitch hike which may not be very safe and two we can just walk which would take a few days." "if we drove to Philly it would take 3 to 5 hours so I would say at least a 2 day walk." "So you think we should walk." "Yeah it would be a lot safer if we walked." "I agree. Well I'm going to bed." "Me to."
I wake up in the middle of the night. I hear banging on the walls. "Dylan, Dylan wake up I heard something. Fine Dylan don't wake up I'll go check it out by myself." Okay I'm walking down the hall by myself toward the noise. Yeah that's real smart. Its like a scene from a horror movie. "Okay just relax your fine." I tell myself. "It sounds like its coming from the storage room." I walk in and there's nothing there.
"Dylan!" I scream and he comes running as his human form. I don't know how he changed back to human so fast. "Brittney what's wrong? what happened?" "g, g gun shot. There was a gun shot it, it bounced off the wall and grazed my ankle." "Hear let me look at it." He pushes up my pant leg. Blood running down my foot. "Oh god that's bad. Okay I got it." He pules off his plain white shirt revealing his muscular body. He rips a big chunk of his shirt apart and wraps it around my wounded ankle. He uses the rest of his shirt to wipe the blood from my foot. Then when he's done he picks me up and takes me back to our room where we meet Austin and Nora but the only thing I can think about is Dylan's strong arms that are wrapped around me.
"What happened? We heard screaming." "I, I heard something so I went to see what it was, then I went in to the storage room and there was nothing there then there was a gun shot and next thing I know I'm on the ground with a hole in my ankle." "Oh my god. Are you okay." "Yeah I'm fine thanks to Dylan." "Well I don't think it's very safe here anymore." "Yeah but we can't leave with Brittney like this." "Oh no I think I can walk." "Really." "Yes Dylan I do." "Okay then try." "Fine I will. Oh god! Okay maybe not." I almost fall over good thing I caught on to Dylan. He's like a rock. He didn't even stumble. "Dylan, you could carry her." "What? Are you serious. Carry her how many miles. I mean we don't even know where we're going." "Hey I don't weigh that much and we could just camp out in the woods again like we did last night." "I still think it's better to stay here tonight." "Why?" "Because I don't want you getting anymore hurt then you already are." "Okay fine we'll stay but we really need to figure out where we're going tomorrow morning." "We need to stick to the woods tomorrow, I really don't want anyone else getting shot." "No Austin. Don't you mean you really don't want to get shot?" "I'm not that shallow."
After Austin and Dylan were done arguing we all go back to bed. well except for Dylan. he kept watch. Which he so should not be doing we all need our sleep especially him. "Dylan you need to come to bed. You need your sleep." "No I don't but you do and besides if I don't keep watch then who ever shot you might come back." "We could ask Austin to keep watch for the rest of the night. It is past midnight." "Okay I guess I am a little tired." "Good I'll go get Austin." I try to get up but it doesn't work too well. My leg is still very sore. "Or not." "Yeah you need to let that ankle of yours rest I'll go get Austin." "Okay."
While Dylan is gone that so called ghost, Bell comes back. "So have you found anything else." "Oh let me think uh yeah someone tried to kill me." "No I mean about me." "No I really haven't had the chance you know with getting shot and everything." "Wow! mouthy are we. Well fine call me when you find something." "Don't worry I will."
She vanishes right when Dylan and Austin come through the door. Austin sits down in the chair while Dylan throws his shirt of. "Are you ready to change back to mans best friend." "Yeah." "Okay just get down on all fours and breath nice and slow."
His muscles start quivering and I can see his bones start twisting. I feel so bad for him. He starts to grow fir and a tale. He's so cute as a wolf. It doesn't take long for him to finish. The I throw his close that he was wearing off to the side.
"Okay I'm ready for bed." "Good I'm exhausted." "Me to." He lays at the foot of my bed and we both fall asleep.

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