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I know that it's going to take them forever to get there stuff, so I'm going to have a midnight snack along with the hot chocolate that Austin got me. An hour goes by before Nora and Austin get back. Nora brought her werewolf, Prince A.K.A. Dylan he really is a werewolf but he's not Nora's. He just lives with her.
"Hey Dylan." "Hi Brittney." "Did, did that dog just talk." "Why yes I did and I can change to human which I need to do because Nora's parents haven't left the house all week. I've been stuck as the house wolf." "So I guess we're going to have to get to a place where no one can see him." "There's some wooded area in the back." "Uh yeah Nora, and Austin can stay here and I'll go with Dylan." "Nora do you have close for him?" "Yeah here." "Okay. Come on Dylan. We'll be back"
"Hey Austin, you want to split Brittney's fries." "Yeah, hey um why did Brittney have to go with Dylan." "She didn't have to she wanted to. See they dated for a while but Brittney finely figured out that it wouldn't work because Dylan spends most his life as a wolf and I guess neither of them got over each other." "Oh great." "What are you afraid you might have a little competition." "No!"
Dylan and I reach the woods. I wait until he's done changing to human. Then I can tell him what I want to tell him. I tell him to take deep breaths. I mean how would you like it if every bone in your body had to reform them selves. I give him his clothes when he is done. Then I turn around so he can put them on.
"Why did you turn around it's not like you have never seen me before." "Because we are not dating." "Hey Dylan there's something I wanted to talk to you about." "What is it?"We sit down on a log and he keeps inching himself closer to me, and I keep moving away. Until I almost fall of the log. "Well you, you know our passed relationship." "Yeah." He keeps moving his face closer to mine as he nods his head. "Uh you know how you never got over me but I-I-I" He leans in and kisses me before I can say anything more. He picks me up and plops me on his lap, without ever taking his warm lips off mine. Until Austin calls for us.
"Brittney, Brittney where are you!" Dylan panics and drops me on the ground. I holler as I stand up. "O-over here." "There you are honey." "Yep here I am." "Hun, did you just call her honey." "Yeah I did. Why?" "Oh wow! you just don't seem like her type, Austin." "Oh really and what exactly is her type, mangy mutts." "He doesn't know my type." "Sure I do and I'm not a mangy mutt." "Hey guys stop arguing. We have a much bigger problem." "What is it Nora." There are to big bodyguard like guys and a lady with blood red hair and skin white as a ghost in Wendy's asking about three kids and a wolf, but the good thing is that the waiter told her that he couldn't remember." "So I guess we need to stay of the roads and stick to the woods."
"We better get going." "I agree. There's an old warehouse about 6 miles from here. We can stay there over night." "Good idea." "Yeah and we can plan our next move while we're there."
Not so long into the walk Dylan and Austin are at each others throats and then Nora gets into it until I scream. "That's it we're staying right here until your done arguing." Then I stop, and sit down on the wet soil and watch everyone argue with one another.
"I am sick and tired of you acting like you know everything there is to know, Austin." "really who are you to tell me what I do and don't know." "Because I have obviously been around a lot longer there for I know more." "Really, how old are you?" "742 years old." "Yeah right." "Lets ask Brittney. Brittney what do you think." I roll my eyes and say. "Well one you saying' that your 742 years old is so not hot." "But I am." "I know I just don't like to think about it, anyway number two if you guys are fighting because of me then I'm totally sick of it." "Enough, Dylan stop growling at Austin and Austin man up and stop arguing with Dylan. I have an idea. Dylan go with Brittney and Austin come with me. We can meet back here okay." "Good idea Nora." "Yeah me and Brittney will stay here and you guys can go wherever." "We'll be back."
I we finely speak after a long silence. "So Dylan why do you hate Austin so much." "I don't know. I just don't like him. I think it might be because I sense something between you two." "Oh I see." "So do you love him." "I don't know I mean we just met, but I think we are moving way to fast." "Yeah but do you love him." "No! I, I don't actually. Man I feel a lot better now that I've admitted it." "Good now lets see if you can tell Austin." "Yeah right!" "I wander were they are." "Yeah they sure have been gone a while, want to go find them." "Why not."
We hold hands walking through the woods. Dylan has to lead the way because of his wolf vision. I wander how I'm going to tell Austin. I'm not really good at telling bad news.
We find them sitting on a large boulder, near the blue water crick kissing. I can hardly speak. "N- Nora, Austin." I scare them they both plunge of the rock so fast all I see is a flash of color. "Brittney it it's not what it looks like." "You don't even need to explain!"
I turn around and just run. I hear Dylan yelling for me to stop but I cant. It's like my legs have a mind of there own so I keep on running. That's the only thing I can do.
Until I trip over my bag and fall face first to the ground. I think about just laying there but my bag fell over and everything dumped out. I get up and start picking my stuff up off the ground when I see Dylan coming.
"Here let me help." "No! I got it." I can feel the tears streaming down my face. There is no way to hide the fact that I'm crying. "Are you sure." "Yes! Dylan I'm sure I mean how could I be so stupid. "
I look away from him trying to avoid his gaze but he gently touches my chin and makes me look back at him. "You're not stupid. Do you want to talk." "Yes! But another thing I'm sure of is that I cant because I cant trust anyone and you want to know exactly how he got my secret out of me, he said that I could trust him but I cant I cant trust anyone." "Now Brittney you know that's not true. You know you can always trust me." "How can I trust you, what if you just leave me like everyone else. They either leave me stranded or try to get rid of me." "I would never do that to you and you know that."
Dylan can see the hurt and betrayal in my eyes, so he does the only thing he can do. He comforts me, holds me. He holds me in his protective arms and kisses my forehead his lips warm on my head, then I fall asleep.

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