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Morning comes and I wake up and see Dylan already changed back to human. He's sitting on the stool in front of the door. "What are you doing I thought Austin was keeping watch." "Well yeah he was but I told him and Nora to go gather up anything we can use." "Use, use for what." "To protect our selves if we need to." "Oh yeah because of my ankle." "Yeah that."
I hate it when he tries to act like he doesn't care. Especially since I know he has a soft side. "Can you stop pretending like you don't care about me. " "What! I do care. I just don't know exactly how to express it and I don't really like to think of you getting hurt." "Well its like you have a brick wall up and I cant stand it." "I'm sorry I just don't know how to express my feelings very well."
I crawl toward him. He leans over and puts his face closer to mine. I stretch my neck and kiss him I pull my lips away."How would you express that." He picks me up, twirls me around and kisses me over and over again. "Like that." "I guess that's good enough, for now."
"Hey I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Nora scares us both and Dylan drops me on my hurt leg. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" "Oh god are you okay." "Ow yeah I'm fine." "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you." "It's okay Nora." "I just came to let you know that we gathered everything we could and that we're ready to go." "Okay I uh want to check Brittney's ankle first so you and Austin can bring all the stuff in here while I do that." "Yes sir." "Haha."
After Nora left, Dylan once again pulls up my pant leg. He takes the old bandages off and analyzes the bloody wound.
"What's wrong" "Um nothing I'm just thinking. Are you sure it only grazed you." "I'm pretty sure I mean maybe they shot twice the first one missing and the second right on target." "They must have. The wound looks a lot deeper then just a graze and it's starting to swell. I think we should take you to the hospital." "No! We cant they would call my mom. We cant risk it." "You have a point there so since you can't go to the hospital we need to get to the nearest store so we can get some ice and bandages." "I agree."
Austin and Nora both walk in to the room. They are carrying at least 30 pounds of stuff packed in a couple of bags."Austin, Nora you realize I'm going to be carrying Brittney, right and you two are going to be carrying the bags." "Uh yeah what did you guys pack anyway." "Well you know a little of this a little of that." "Really Austin. What exactly is a little of this and a little of that." "Well we found an ax, jack hammer, a knife for each of us, and a crowbar." "You can drop the ax jack hammer and crowbar. We probably won't need them. We can each get a knife." "Sounds good to me." "Well Brittney's at a disadvantage so she needs to have the biggest knife." "Okay but wait a second how do you know that there all different sizes." "I could sense it." "Weird haha!" "Yeah anyway I'll take the smallest cause I have my teeth and stuff and you and Austin can fight over the other two. Now come on we need to get going."
After we each get our knives and we are almost out the door I hear something. We passed some boxes and I think it's coming from the inside of one of them "Dylan wait I think I hear something. Put me down I want to see what it was." "No! after you got shot not a good idea I'll go see." He put me down. I leaned against Austin. And he walks over picks out one of the boxes that he thinks the noise is coming from, he opens it and a blur of color shoots out of the box. It jumps on to Dylan's shoulder and claws him.
"A kitten! How cute." "Yeah get it off of me. Its drawing blood." I stumble over and pick it up off Dylan's shoulder. "Its scared." "Yeah I guessed that much." "Do you think I can keep her." "Brittney no." "Oh come on please I mean look at her cute puffy little face." "Yeah I guess she is kind of cute." "So I can keep her." "I guess so." "Oh thank you baby." "Yeah, yeah your welcome now come on lets get out of here."
He picks me back up and we peek through the door to make sure no one is watching. Then we make a run for it. We run as fast as we can to the woods across the way. When we're safe deep in the woods I say. "So what should we name her." "How about spot." "No Dylan that is such a common name. Oh I know how about Simon even though she's a girl." "Okay Simon it is." He smiles at me well until I notice him smiling at me then the smile vanishes.
We keep on walking until we come to a clearing. Then Dylan stops and plops me down in the grass "I think it will be safe to stay here." "Hey talking wolf." "Austin how many times do I have to tell you my name is not talking wolf." "Yeah right Dylan don't you think it'll be easy for other people to see use out here." "Well if you'd look around you would see that there are woods all around use."
"Simon!" She jumps out of my arms and runs for the woods. "Dylan she ran away." "Yes I see that but don't worry I have a feeling that she'll be back." "Do you really think so." "I know so. Now try to get some rest. We have to catch a bus tomorrow." "Okay."
After a while I start to do my evening relaxation routine. I sit in the grass cross-legged and try to think about all the events that occurred today and imagine it floating away in a bubble, which is hard to do because I over hear Dylan arguing with Austin. Dylan probably assumed that it would be the best time to confront Austin because Dylan knows that I would be meditating.
"Austin you need to stay away from Brittney. You don't even know her and after you betrayed her. No! Just stay away from her." "Why don't you start acting like her ex boyfriend instead of her father and besides I think she has the right to choose between us."
Okay I can't take it anymore. I get up. Stumble over and say. "You know Dylan he does have a point. I can choose for myself. "Yes I know you can." "So Brittney sweetheart who do you choose." "Well Austin honey I'm not stupid so obviously I'm choosing Dylan." "Are you serious." "Uh yeah as a matter of fact I am. Now come on Dylan we need to talk." "Should I be scared." "No! We need to talk about tomorrow. I need to get to a library remember." "Oh. That's right." "Yeah but we don't know when the bus leaves." "Yeah we do I picked up a bus schedule at Wendy's." "Great! So when do they leave" "12:15 and 6:00." "Oh so we should probably try to catch the 12:15 one then we can stop at a library and a store before we go to the cottage." "That will work out perfectly, darlin'. " "Haha." "Well the moons up so it's probably pretty late." "Yeah. So I guess you should change back to mans best friend." "Uh no I think I'm going to stay like this." "Oh okay whatever you want to do."
"Hey Brittney, Dylan I'm going for a walk and Austin already went to bed okay." "Wait! I don't think that's a vary good idea." "Yeah I agree it's not a vary good idea." "Ohfine I'm going to bed. If you need me my bed well be under that tree over there" "okay we're going to bed to" "oh Dylan I'm going back to my nice soft grass to finish my meditation. So can you set up my bed over next to the fire place and don't forget to set yours up next to mine." "Don't worry."
I walk back over to my comfy grass and try to finish my relaxation but I can't seem to clear my mind. I can't get past every thing that's been going on like Dylan and Austin arguing all the time and Nora staying as far away from me as she possibly can, and what if those people that were looking for use at Wendy's were the bad kind of people I mean, what if there still looking for us and what if they find us. What would they do? Take us back to our parents or lock us up or what. What's the point of relaxing with my mind like this? I'm just going to bed. I walk over to my blanket and pillow on the ground and see that Dylan was right Simon did come back. She was napping right next to my blanket and as soon as I laid down she curled upright next to me. "Good night Simon."

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