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Morning is here and I wake up to Dylan kissing my lips I open my eyes to show him I am awake then I shut them again. "Mmm do that again." I say. He kisses my lips then moves down to my neck and I love the warm feeling I get in my stomach. "Time to get up baby. You have to get ready to go back to Knox so we can save Nora." "Yeah your right." "I'll leave you alone to get ready." He walks out and shuts the door behind him as I jumped out of bed I run to my bathroom and climb in the shower then I slip on my multi colored leopard spotted shorts and my favorite Snoopy t-shirt. I scrub my teeth and pull my hair back into a braid.
I run down stairs to meat Dylan in the kitchen. My papa is talking to him telling him. "She is a powerful and beautiful girl. You better not hurt her." I walk right in front of them to go to the frig. "Hey what are you boys talking about? I hope your playing nice." "Hey baby doll we where just talking." "Yeah your grandfather was just telling me how wonderful you are and I was agreeing with every word." "Awwww you're so sweet."
I grab a Pepsi out of the frig and join them at the table. "Okay Brittney, Dylan go get Austin we need to get going and we might as well not even pack anything but money and a flashlight." "Okay papa."
Before Dylan gets up he kisses me on the forehead and slowly kissing me he moves down to my lips then he moves back up to my ear and whispers. "I love you." I have my eyes close taking in the moment until I realize papa is still in the room. I quickly open them and jump out of my seat away from Dylan and offer my hand to him. We go find Austin while my papa gathers up all the money.
We find Austin in his room of course, reading a comic book.
"Come on Austin it's time to go." I say as I pull the comic from his hands. "Okay okay lets go save Nora." We walk down stairs to find papa in the door way waiting for us.
"You ready to go." "Yeah papa I got my inhaler." "Okay good." We walk out the front door. Papa shuts it behind us and we walk straight into the woods. It isn't long before Dylan gets tens like he hears something.
"You hear something." I ask. "Yeah just a rabbit." "Okay." "Hey Brittney do, do you really love me?" It's a good thing that Austin and papa were both way ahead of us because I don't think I would be able to tell him how I really feel if the other two were listening.
"I love you more than my life. Brittney do you love me?" "I-I-I." I take a deep breath. "Okay let me start over. I love you. I love you more then anything in the world. I love you so much that I don't know what to say around you." "I love you just the same. I will do anything for you." When we pause I notice that we stopped and lost sight of papa and Austin.
"Dylan, where is Austin and my papa?" "I-I don't know. Something is blocking there cent." "Oh god Dylan I'm scared." I hear a noise and I jump about five feet in the air and quickly grab and squeeze Dylan's hand. "What was that?" "Just an owl don't worry. I wont let anything happen to you."
By this time it is nearly dark, but me and Dylan just keep walking along the path. Dylan stop's without warning and I run into his back. he pulls me in front of him. "What wrong." "I sense someone close by." "Oh god did you hear that?" "Of course I did. I'm the one with the supper sense of hearing." "Ahhhhhh!"
Someone grabs me from behind. We spin around frantically. We see two dark figures. One reaches in to his back pocket. Dylan gets ready to pounce then the man clicks on a flashlight.
"Oh my god Austin you scared the hell out of me. Don't do that ever again." "It might have scared you baby but not me. I knew it was them." "Yeah right. You got as tense as a scare crow." "Sorry guys but I turned to see if you guys were still there. It was so quiet but you weren't. Your grandpa was terrified that you were hurt Brittney." "I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to hold Brittney back. We, we were just talking." "It's okay son and by the way you can call me Ken." "Okay." "I'm sorry papa. I didn't mean to stop." "it's okay baby doll."
"Brittney I don't feel to good." "Yeah whats wrong baby?" "I-I don't." "Oh god Dylan. He he's passed out. Dylan, Dylan baby. Wake up." I'm kneeling down on the ground next to Dylan were he collapsed. I lay my head down on his firm chest to make sure he is still breathing. "Dylan, Dylan baby wake up please. Wake up for me. Oh man uh papa Austin we cant keep going. We cant carry him. We have to stay here." "Yes baby doll." "Okay Brittney."
I try to remember something that I read when me and Dylan were together before when I was doing research on werewolves. I try to figure out why he is sick before he wakes up so we can make him better.
"I remember something if, if a werewolf is in there uh there human form for to long they start to get sick but see that is only a certain kind of werewolf which is why Austin your not sick and that's why I broke up with him in the first place because I didn't want him getting sick." I sit on the ground tears rolling down my face I can feel Austin and papa staring at me then Dylan finally starts waking up.
"Brittney baby." "I'm right here next to you." "Thanks for staying with me." "Hey no problem but I got to tell you something baby you got to turn back into a wolf please for me. It's just that you have been in human form for to long." "I know." He stands up like nothing ever happened. "Come on I'm not changing in front of them no offense." "No offense taken my son." "I disagree. I take offense to that." "Of course you do Austin." "Come on Dylan we need to talk anyway." "Oh okay."
We start walking off the path and into the woods when he says. "Don't break up with me again please I wont be able to handle it. I'm nothing without you." "Dylan don't say that. You are everything with or without me and I'm not breaking up with you again. I would not be able to take it either. Just promise me that you will never push yourself into being human for so long that you get sick. That is the reason I why I left you in the first place because I didn't want you getting sick." "I promise you never again." "Good."
I kiss him on the cheek and we walk a little deeper into the woods. "We can stop here." "Okay." I hold his hand tightly as he lays face down on the ground and I kneel beside him and it just starts happening. His body muscles start twitching and reforming as if they melt then form as something different. He clenches his teeth as hard as he can and he lets out a yell of pain and all I wish is that there is something more that I could do then just waiting but that's all I can do.
Five minutes of agony and clenching of the teeth and he is finally out of that pain. "Dylan are you okay." "Yeah just fine baby." "Okay I'm just making sure."
We walk back through the woods to meet papa and Austin."Hey are you guys ready." "Yeah lets go try to meet one of those buses. We are going to have to be fast though. The bus leaves in less then a half hour. "Ken's right we have to leave fast." "Okay Dylan but don't go so fast that I cant see you up ahead okay." "Yes baby." "Good boy haha."
We start walking once again. Then we come to a wall of trees. "The bus stop should be on the other side of those trees." "We all know that talking dog oh sorry I mean Dylan." "So help me I'll rip you a part if you call me that one more time. "Cool it Dylan." "Oh s-sorry sir." "My father is sir if you don't mind call me Ken." "Yeah I know." "Come on guys lets go."
We walk right through the tree's and my legs get all cut up. Serves me right wearing short shorts while walking in the woods. We reach the other side of the trees and we see that the bus just shut their doors.
"We are going to miss it." "Don't worry I'll stop it." "No Dylan wait." We start running for the bus that is maybe going 20 miles per hour. Dylan runs ahead of the bus. The bus driver panicked and slams on the breaks. The squealing noise that came from the tires was unbearable. The bus immediately stops. We reach the bus and knock on the door. The bus driver opens the door.
"Is that your dog!" "Yes I'm so sorry sir. Come on Dylan." "Hey little miss there's something called a leash."
With that being said me, Dylan, Austin and papa walk straight to the back row of seats. "Dylan! Don't you ever and I mean never do that again!" "I'm sorry baby but we had to catch this bus. We need to save Nora. I sense we don't have as much time as your grandfather says we do." "Oh!" "Yeah oh! I don't think he is being completely honest with us." "I think he just doesn't know exactly how long she has!" "Yeah you could be right. I'm sorry for dissing your grandfather baby." "It's fine."
After a long day of walking getting lost and being scared all day I am tired. I sit down on the very back seat. Dylan jumps up beside me. I lean my head against him and close my eyes."I'm so tired good night." "Good night baby."

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