Chapter 1 OTWSTH

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Hey guys! I've decided to write a Phanfiction! I'm not postponing my other fanfictions, though. Here we go!

Also, this story gets better as you go on, especially due to my break between chapters 7 and 8. I am coming back to all my chapters that are up right now and editing them, and I won't stop editing, until I stop finding errors. Feel free to point any out that you find. It would be an immense help. Thanks!


(Dan's POV)

"Phil," I called out to my best friend. "Do you want to make another Phil is not on fire video?"

"Sure! Why not? It's been a while," He yelled back. He ran up the stairs and into my room. "You ready?"

I finished setting the camera up, "More ready than ever!"

He smiled at me, then laughed.

"What?" I asked.


I just nodded then pressed record.


"Bye guys," Phil and I said, ending the video.

"That was fun. We should make them more often," Phill suggested.

"Yeah, we should."

"Lazy day in?"

"When have we never had a lazy day in?"

"Touché . . . I'll race you downstairs," He shouted.

"What do you not get about 'lazy?'" I yelled back, but he was already out the door.

By the time I dragged myself down the stairs, Phil had already picked out a movie and made popcorn.

"Is The Labyrinth fine?" He asked, biting his lip.

"What's 'The Labyrinth?'" I asked.

Phil gasped, "We have to watch it right now!"

"Okay . . . ?"

We started watching the movie, and it seemed pretty weird at first. A girl was reciting these lines from some book, but couldn't remember the last line. I don't get how that was relevant to the movie. Then it starts raining and the clock tower chimes. Then her mother yells at her for not being home earlier and didn't let her dog in. Still not sure how it was relevant.

I furrowed my eyebrows and continued watching the movie. Although I did see Phil staring at me through my peripheral vision. I fidgeted in my spot, getting uncomfortable as his gaze made holes in my body.

You see, I was depressed, as well as having some form of social anxiety, as it makes me really uncomfortable whenever anyone even looks at me. Also, I came out as bisexual to my parents and school. That's when all the existential crisis stuff started happening, and when I started getting beat up by my classmates. My parents were trying to be supportive, but it just wasn't happening. My parents eventually got super stressed with the fact that I was coming home bruised and bloodied, with having to deal with me being bisexual. My dad became an alcoholic to deal with the stress rather than just talking it out, and started beating me.

My mum was just done with everything that had to do with me. She left me and my dad, and ran off with a guy I had never seen. Thus, leaving me to deal with my abusive father with no one to fend for me.

That's when the depression started. I had tried to keep my head up during the midst of this, hoping that one day my mum would come back, my dad would stop drinking, people would stop beating me up for who I am. But soon enough I realized that would never happen.

Fast forward a few years, and I met Phil. He had found out about the existential crises, but not about my depression. He's gotten close to finding out a few times, but I've always been able to dodge his suspicions with a lie, him falling for it every time.

I must admit, Phil is adorable, but I wouldn't ever tell him that. Or act out on it. It's too risky. He doesn't even know I'm bisexual. He'll never know. Besides, it's not like I'm madly and deeply in love with him. Ha! 'I'm in love with my best friend' is one of the cheesiest things ever. Definitely one of those things that only ever happens in movies and books.

"Dan?" Phil asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh. Hi. What's up?" I asked.

"You okay? You've been staring at the screen for the past ten minutes. The movie's over."

"Oh. Oops. Sorry. I didn't realize," I blushed. Thankfully it's dark, or else he would see my tomato colored face.

"What do you want to watch next? The Smurfs? Or Spider-Man?"

"Uhmm . . . How about Spider-Man? We haven't seen that one in a while."

"Okay!" He smiled brightly.

"Why do we all exist if we're all just going to die anyway? It's like someone is just watching our lives go on, laughing at every mistake we make, pointing out how stupid we are, and enjoy watching us die," I said after a moment, slipping into a short-lived existential crisis.

"Dannn," Phil drawled, obviously annoyed. "Not again! Can't we just go a little while without your existential crises? We're alive because we are. We exist because someone wanted to create the human race and admire how lovely almost everyone is, and help people through their rough patches. No one is laughing, Dan. Please, can we just watch the movie?"

"Fine, you're right. Sorry," I sighed and continued to stare off into space.

"Dan," Phil snapped his fingers in my face.


"I've been calling your name for the past minute."

"Oh. Sorry . . ."

"It's okay. One, two, or three?"

"How about we watch all three? We have time, don't we?"

"Sure," He popped the DVD into the player and pressed play. Then he came over and sat next to me, closer than before. "Dan, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

"I've . . . I've just noticed you've been distant lately. What's going on?"

"N-nothing, just thinking, is all."

"Dan, seriously. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Phil. I'm fine."

"Dan . . . ?"

"Really. I am."

He sighed and pursed his lips. "Fine. I'll let you be for now. But that doesn't mean that I'm letting you off the hook one-hundred percent. I care about you, and you're acting strange. Something is fishy here."

"I'm always having existential crises and staring off into space. I'm the same as ever," I forced a smile on my face.

"See? That right there. That's not a true smile, Dan. It doesn't reach your eyes when you smile, which is rare enough as it is. Also, you've been having your crises more and more often. Dan, are you sure you're okay? I'm worried about you. You're my best friend, and I can't stand to see you hurting."

I stared into his deep blue eyes for a second before responding, "Yeah. Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"


Wow, I wrote this all in one day. I'm happy! And kinda surprised. I've only ever written an entire chapter in one day about 4 out of the (about) 40 total chapters of stories that I've written.

Anyway, I decided to leave it there. I'm not sure of the next time I update this or my other fanfics ... I can only hope that it's soon.

Also, this is my first time ever writing a Phanfic, so if it's bad, or awkward, or really good, please tell me, so I can know how to improve.



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