Chapter 11 OTWSTH

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The next time I woke up I was in a white room with bright lights and loud beeping noises. I blinked hard, being blinded by the lights, then closed my eyes again.

"He's awake! Nurse! I think he's awake," I heard a voice quietly shout. I groaned. The noise hurt my ears. I groaned again. I have a headache, too. Great.

"Dan," The voice got closer. I felt arms wrap around me, the hugger shaking. "You're awake, you're alive! I'm so happy. I was so scared, Dan!"

I blinked my eyes open, trying to see who was hugging me.

"Nurse, I think it's too bright for him," The voice said again and sniffled.

The lights went off, but the outside light was still seeping in. It was dark enough for me to open my eyes though. So, I then continued to open my eyes and I made out Phil's face.

"Phil..?" I choked out. My throat felt dry and I had a pounding headache.

"Dan," He sobbed into my chest.

"What happened?" I croaked.

"You... You don't remember?" He asked.

"...No...?" Was I supposed to?

"Just... Just look around, think it over," He said sadly.

I did as he said, and I realized I was in the hospital. So thats why he was saying 'nurse.' Then, I looked at me. Or at least at my body underneath the blankets. I looked a little skinny, like I hadn't eaten for a few days. And then I noticed the pain in my arms. I hissed in pain.

"Are you okay?" Phil asked, obviously worried.

"Yeah. Fine. My arms really hurt, though," I looked at them. They were all bandaged up. "Wait, I.."

"Attempted suicide," Phil finished for me, tears in his eyes.

"And I didn't succeed?" I asked, confused.

"I, uhm.. saved you," He mumbled.

"What? Why? H-how?" I inquired.

"I-erm... Try to think about it," He replied.

Thinking over what I could remember, a few tears went down my face. I tried to leave, to die, to be rid of this life, and I failed. Why must I fail at everything? I fail at life, I fail at death. I'm just stuck in between. But nonetheless, I could barely remember anything from that night, except for hanging out with Chris and PJ and Christie and Grace. And then it's blank. However, I could remember the day before. I had promised to tell Phil about.. Oh.

"I- Did I tell you?" I asked hoarsely.

He nodded, "Everything."

"And you're still here? You.. You don't hate me?" I stumbled out.

"You... You don't remember what I said?" I shook my head. He bit his lip sadly, "O...okay, then."

"What... What did you say? To save my life, I mean. What could have ever possibly saved my life at that time?" I gulped. I wasn't completely sure I wanted to know.

"I told you... I said... uhm," Phil stuttered, then scurried out of the room, leaving me in riddles.


The next day, I hadn't seen Phil, nor had I heard from him.

The nurses told me I had been out for four days due to blood loss, and my heart was working overtime, trying to get blood to my wrists, thinking they didn't have any there. Also, they said my heart started beating slower at the same time as speeding up, so it really messed me up, thus making me stay asleep for two days longer than I should have. I guess what Phil said to me must have shocked me..

Oops ... That Wasn't Supposed To Happen (Discontinued, Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now