Chapter 16 OTWSTH

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"Mum, dad?" Phil said, sitting down with me on the couch in his parents living room.

Phil managed to drag me up to the front door of his parents house without telling me where we were going. As soon as I found out what he was trying to do, I tried my best to convince him to let me not go inside. Obviously, that failed.

"Yes, Phillip?" His mother urged. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, was short, and was very skinny.

"Erm, well, first of all, this is Dan, as you should know," he motioned to me. I lifted a shaking hand to wave. "And we're, uh--"

"Are you two dating? That's fabulous! I just knew it would happen someday. Your father," she turned and waved a hand at him, "and I had a bet to see how long it would take for you two to get together."

"Mum!" Phil laughed while I gaped at her.

"And your mother won," his dad said, grumbling. He pulled out a twenty and handed it to her.

"You guys bet on us? Why? And what exactly was the deal..?" Phil spewed questions as I stayed frozen in place, afraid that every move I made was bet upon as well.

"Well, we saw the way you two acted around each other, and just knew that you were bound to date each other. I said it would take a while, because it seemed as though you were a bit shy, Dan. Oh, are we scaring you, Dan?"

I just stared blankly at her, wide-eyed.

Phil turned and grabbed my hand, rubbing it softly. I calmed slightly and nodded.

"Sorry, dear. I should have realized. It's been a while since we've seen each other. I'll try not to freak you out anymore," she apologized.

"Thanks," I said quietly, giving her the smallest of smiles.

"I think we should celebrate! How about we go out for dinner, all four of us?" His mum suggested.

"Sure, mum! That sounds great," Phil replied. "As long as Dan's okay with it."

"I ... Sure," I shrugged and nervously laughed. "I might as well warm back up to your family sooner rather than later."


"So, Dan. Your videos are lovely. You have definitely improved greatly since you first started out," Phil's mum said. "You're a very talented young man."

"Thank you. I didn't know you watched my videos?" I said, surprised.

"Of course I watch your videos, along with Phil's. You two are both absolutely amazing. No pun intended, of course," she smiled.

"Thanks, really," I smiled back.

"Speaking of your videos, when do you think you'll tell your fans?" She asked Phil and me.

My grin faltered. "Oh, um ... "

"Dan's not exactly comfortable with many people knowing, due to some things that happened in the past," Phil answered for me while I blushed. "And I'm fine with that, honestly. We don't need everyone to know about us. The phangirls ... Well, they might just go crazy."

"Ah, I see. I won't pry into whatever happened, but I just want you to know that you can talk to me whenever you need to. When Phil's being a bum and doesn't feel like helping, you go ahead and call me up. If you need advice, or a person to just listen to you, call me," she paused. "Although, I do feel as though I won't be getting many calls. Phil's never acted like this around another person in his entire life. I'm sure he'd be happy just to see you smile. There's no doubt he'd love to be the person to make you smile."

Oops ... That Wasn't Supposed To Happen (Discontinued, Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now