Chapter 2 OTWSTH

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(Dan's POV)

"Peej," I yelled, running to PJ and Chris.

"Dan," He called out, running toward me.

We collided and fell onto the pavement, laughing.

"You guys never learn your lesson, do you?" Phil sighed.

"Nope," I laughed out.

"What are you guys doing here?" Phil asked. Currently we're about to get groceries.

"What else would we be doing here other than buying food?" Chris laughed.

We walked in the store together, only for me to get pulled aside by PJ.

"What's going on, Peej?" I asked.

"I just need to talk to you," he paused. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. And you?"

"No, Dan that's not what I meant. Are you," he sighed. "How do I say this? Happy?"

"Did Phil put you up to this?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed, "Yes, he did. He texted me earlier, saying he was worried about you. You weren't being yourself yesterday or something? At least, that's what he told me."

"I'm fine. Really, I am. You guys don't have to worry about me," I smiled softly to prove my point.

He searched my eyes, then said, "Fine. Just make sure whatever mess you're in doesn't get out of hand."

Ha, I'm the mess, actually. But I won't let him know that. He only knows as much as Phil, possibly even less. I'm not going to let that change.

"Okay," I said, then went off in search of Phil so I could tell him the things we needed.

(Phil's POV)

I sighed as PJ dragged Dan over to the side to talk. I was really worried about Dan, and if I couldn't get anything out of him, I was going to get PJ or Chris to do it for me.

After a bit of shopping Dan came around the corner, smiling big.

"Phil," He engulfed me in a hug.

I stiffened at first, but then melted into it. Man, I love this kid.

Yep. I love him. Not in that 'friend' way either. I love him. Love love.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him, "Hey Dan. What's with the sudden hug?"

He rarely ever hugs people. Not even me, his best friend. I wish we were more than that, though. I have for a long time.

I've always loved him. When we met, all I could think about was how beautiful he was -- and is.

"I dunno. I just feel like giving hugs. Did you not want a hug?" He pulled back.

"No, no. I like your hugs. You actually smell like . . ." I sniffed the air, reassuring my suspicion. "Like me? Are you wearing my cologne again?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I just really like it, so I thought I would wear it."

"I can tell. So what did you and PJ talk about?"

"Not much. The question is, what did you and PJ talk about?"

"What do you mean? I told him I was worried about you and that I wanted him to check up on you, since you obviously wouldn't tell me."

"Well I'm fine. But thanks for caring. You don't have to worry about me, you know."

"I know. I'm sorry."

Oops ... That Wasn't Supposed To Happen (Discontinued, Sorry!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora