Chapter 5 OTWSTH

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(Phil's POV)

"I'm... I'll be right back," I said, standing up from my chair and walking towards the bathrooms.

I quickly made my way into the men's restroom and locked myself into a stall.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad I could slip away from our table without Dan noticing my very obvious boner.

Damn you, stupid hormones. And stupid boyish mind.

I tried to calm down my throbbing erection by thinking of old, soggy grandmas.

What? I couldn't jack off to Dan in a restaurant!

Nonetheless, it worked, after a minute.

I came out of the bathroom, flustered.

"You okay?" Dan asked as I sat down.

"Y-yeah," I responded, not looking him in the eye.

"Are you sure? You were in there for a while."

"Yeah, Dan. I'm fine," I blushed.



"Yeah. Okay."

"So you're fine with me not telling you why I was in there for a few minutes?" He nodded. "Why?"

"Because I know not to force people into talking. If they don't want to talk about, they don't have to and I get that."

"But don't you ever get tired of not knowing?" My curiosity was growing.

"Sometimes. But that's life. I can't know everything. It's impossible. I think I'd go crazy if I did. And if I did know everything, I wouldn't be so afraid to tell you my secret."

I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"If I knew you would be fine with it, I would tell you. If I knew you weren't fine with it, I wouldn't tell you. But the thing is, I don't know. So until I know, I will stay in the 'safe zone', as I really don't want to get hurt again."

I was about to ask him what he meant when Christie came back to our table, food in her hands.

"Here are your crab legs..." She set the bucket in front of me. "And your salmon!" She set Dan's food in front of him.

"It smells... fishy," Dan scrunched his nose.

"Well, Dan, it is fish," Christie said.

He picked up his fork and watched him slowly take a bite of the pink seafood laid out in front of him.

"This is actually really good!"

"I'm glad you think so!" Christie told him.

"Yeah, same. Now I know that I'm not wasting money on an uneaten meal." I laughed.

"Haha, very funny."

Christie bent over and whispered into my ear, "Oh, yes. You most definitely don't have a crush on him."

"W-what? I don't!" I sputtered, turning to her.

She smirked. "Sure you don't..." She turned around, started to walk away, them turned back around, and mouthed 'Call me' at Dan. She then proceeded to move towards another table.

I got up and caught up to her.

"He's mine," I practically growled.

"Told you. I knew you had it for him."

"But... but that's not fair!" I whined.

"Hey, my 'gaydar' was going off like a fire alarm over there. BEEP BEEP BEEP!" She started laughing. "And it wasn't just you, either. I think it was Dan, too. I can't be too sure though. Maybe he's... bi? I don't know. Don't take my word for it. And, don't get hurt. My friend liked her friend, only she liked a guy, but she was falling quickly and he wasn't there to catch her. She confessed her feelings to him and he didn't feel the same way. It broke her down. She's better now, though. But, the case may not be the same here. I don't know."

I stared at her, dumbfounded. "But how did... how did you know I like him, that I'm gay?"

"Well, the way you couldn't keep your eyes off him were a sign, but the way you blushed when I was kidding around earlier and the way you watched him eat were my confirmations. Seriously, I'm surprised he hasn't figured it out yet."

"Find what out?"

"Really?" She literally face-palmed herself. "That you like him!"

"Oh. Way for me to be stupid," I sighed.

"Hey, it's fine. You're not stupid. Let's hope he's fine with you liking him, though."

"Yeah..." I said, and she started to walk away. But I stopped her and said, "You're wrong about one thing, though."

"Oh? And that is?"

I took a deep breath, "I love him."


Heyoooo! Sorry for the short chapter!

At least it's an update, and you got a look into Phil's mind! :D

So, I hope you enjoyed it! And how do you guys all feel about Christie? Do you think she's a cool addition to the more... permanent characters? Or do you all hate her?

I personally love her.

She's awesome, in my mind.



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