Chapter 9 OTWSTH

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"Phil, truth or dare?" Char asked.

We were a few rounds into the game, and so far we haven't had to do anything that bad. I once had to run around outside yelling rubish, acting as if I were drunk out of my mind. Phil didn't have anything bad, as we were taking it easy on him because he was sick. Char had to chug a beer; she hates alcohol, but she never turns down a dare. We were all allowed to have one chicken.

"Erm... Dare." Phil said smiling. I looked over to Char and raised my eyebrows, as if asking what the dare was. The second I looked into her eyes, I gulped.

"I dare you to kiss Dan." She smiled evilly.

"U-uhm... What?" Phil asked, bewildered.

"Char! I didn't agree to this!" I exclaimed.

"We didn't set any rules other than 'we only have one chicken.'" She smiled.

"Erm..." Phil hesitated on his words.

"C'mon Phil, it's only a kiss! Between you and guy, but, still! It won't do anything!" Char pleaded.

"I-erm... I..." Phil paused for a second and took a deep breath. "Okay."

"What? I-I'm not okay with this, Char!" I remarked.

"Hey, it's Phil's dare, not yours. Now, let him kiss you!" She replied.

I glared at her. "Fine. Just-just get it over with."

"I-I'm going to go brush my teeth first. I don't want to make your cheek smell like puke." Phil blushed.

Once he came out of the bathroom, he sat down next to me.

My stomach flipped as Phil leaned over to kiss me. As he was leaning forward, I turned my head on accident, and he kissed me straight on the lips.

He pulled back after a short moment. "What happened to me kissing your cheek?" He asked quietly

"Oh, I-I turned my head, on accident, of course. I didn't mean to! You were just taking a while and I was gonna ask what was taking so long and then you crashed down on to me and I just-" I took a deep breath, then stood up. I walked to my room, not wanting to talk about it anymore, as well as fighting years.

I slammed my door and tried not to think about the kiss. But that was impossible! I actually almost started to relax into the kiss! I paced around my room, tugging at my hair while trying not to focus on the main thing that bothered me; I liked the feel of Phil's lips against mine, and I felt a spark.

I laid down on my bed, sighing. I can't let this happen! This is not supposed to happen!

KNOCK KNOCK. "Dan? Are you in there?"

I stayed quiet, hoping Char would go away.

Nonetheless, my door opened. And, she walked in and sat on my bed.

"Dan, are you okay?" She asked. "Phil is out there worried like mad."

"Mm-mm. Mm hmm mm phmm hmm hm phmmh." I mumbled into my pillow.

"I'm sorry, but Dan? I couldn't hear a single word out of that."

"No! I'm not okay! How could you do that to me! I just kissed Phil! Now go away!" I huffed.

"Dan, I'm sorry! I didn't think you were going to react like that!"

"Well I did! Char, please, go away." I begged.

"Dan.." Char drawled.

"No, go away." I buried my face back into my pillow and let out a small sob. I'm tired of this. She just made me kiss Phil, the very person I'm not supposed to like. I cannot like him, and yet I felt a spark in a kiss that wasn't supposed to happen.

Oops ... That Wasn't Supposed To Happen (Discontinued, Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now