Chapter 4

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     8 Months Later

     Kamryn POV

      I sat on the couch by myself keeping my eyes fixed on the TV. Roman was leaving for Europe tonight for 3 weeks. I was pissed because he accepted the offer without talking to me. Plus I'm 8 months pregnant. I could possibly go into labor at anytime.

    He was packing right now. I haven't said much to him since he told me he was leaving. I don't want to say anything to him because I know I will explode.

   He walked down the stairs carrying 4 suitcases. Seth and Dean were coming to pick him up. He sat his bags by the door and sat down next to me. He tried to kiss me, but I turned  so he had to kiss my cheek. He sighed and put his head down.

    "Why are you so mad?"

    I looked over at him then looked away.

    "Kam, please tell me."

    I laughed coldly. "Me? Mad? No. The fact that my husband accepted an offer to be away from his wife for 3 weeks could be the reason. Or that I'm 8 months pregnant and could go into labor at soon." I started crying. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

    Roman pulled me into his chest. " Babe you won't go into labor. Your due date isn't for a month away. Our little boy or girl will be here when I'm here. No worries." He said kissing me softly. A car horn honked out front. Roman helped me stand up. I tried to grab one of his bags but he stopped me.

    "I got it babe." He grabbed his bags and held the door open for me. I hobbled outside to the car. He put his stuff in the trunk. I stood by the car window. Seth rolled it down.

   "We'll take care of him." He said.

   "Good, make sure he doesn't get in trouble."

   "Roman? Get in trouble? Nooo."  I heard Dean say sarcastically from the backseat. Roman came around and wrapped an arm around my waist.

   "Seth roll up the window." He said. Seth put his hands up in surrender. He rolled it up. I buried my face into his chest.

   "I'm going to miss you." I mumbled into his chest.

   "I'm going to miss you more." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. The most we've been away from each other was like 2 days. Now it's 3 weeks. Huge difference.

   "Call me every night. Tell me everything about your day, I don't care. Whatever pops into that cute little mind of yours. And if anything happens, I'll be here in a heartbeat." He said. He leaned down and softly pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away tears falling down my face.

   "Please stop crying." He said tears forming in his eyes.

   "No, I'll be fine. Just some pregnancy hormones. You are going to miss you're flight." I said putting on a fake smile.

   "I love you Kamryn."

   "I love you too Roman. To the moon and back." I pecked his lips one more time then walked to the door otherwise he'd never leave. He got into the car and waved to me. I just stood there not wanting to move.

     Next Day. In Europe

     Roman Reigns POV

        I woke with a pounding headache. I looked around the room. The place was a complete mess. I missed Kamryn to much so I probably got super drunk. I pulled away the covers to find myself completely naked. My clothes were all over the floor along with a girl's outfit?

    I slipped on my boxers and walked into my kitchen area. I had a room to myself so I didn't have to worry about Seth or Dean. I heard the sink running in the bathroom. I heard the door open and a girl walked out.

   "Um, who are you?" I asked completely confused.

   "I'm Juilet."

   "And why are you here?"

   "Well we had sex last night."

      I know it's been so long since I've updated. I tried to make this one amazing. Hopefully I will update sooner than I did for this one. Also its short sorry on that as well. The next chapters will be longer. Also if you are looking for a new story you should check out my other one Crazy In Love.

    As always Happy Reading Sparkles.





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