Chapter 5

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   Seth POV

     We all know what Roman did last night. He was beyond wasted, and it was all a mess.

   Flashback to last night

     We were barely in our room for an hour before Roman was chugging bottle after bottle of beer. Dean and I both knew exactly why he was doing this. He missed Kamryn.

    "Dude, we need to do something. I'm never like this, and I'm always drinking." Dean whispered to me.

   "Guys I know you're talking about me. I'm not that drunk." Roman said surprisingly understandable.

   "We know you miss Kamryn. Just slow down on the drinks. These 3 weeks will fly by." I said hoping he understood.

    "No, I'm going to the bar. Come if you want, I'm a grown ass man. Don't tell me what to do." He said stumbling through the door.

   "Whatever, he'll come back. He's a grown ass man." He said mocking Roman.  "Let's head to bed, it's late." Dean said patting my back. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I really hope he doesn't do stupid shit.





    It had to be at least 3 in the morning when I heard people coming into the room. A deep male voice boomed all through the room. Roman. And a female voice?

    I jumped out of bed and into the main entrance area. Roman stood there with some chick he probably picked up from the bar.

   "Dude, who's she?"

   "Jordan." He said taking a swig of beer

   "Juilet." She corrected.

   "Jordan, Juliet, doesn't matter. The only name that matters is my name out of your mouth tonight."

   "Woah, your not planning to you know. Do that tonight are you?" I asked shocked he'd even joke of that when he has a pregnant wife at home.

   Dean walked out clearly pissed we woke him.

   "What the hell is going on out here?"

    "Jordan and I were just about to go up to my room." Roman said finishing his bottle.

    "Her name is Juliet. And she's leaving." I said.

    "You do realize he's married and will have a child in about a month." Dean said to Juilet.

    "I accept all types." She said following Roman up to his room.

    Dean and I just looked at each other. When he's drunk and has his mind set on something, there's no stopping him.

    Roman POV

      I stared at her like she was crazy.

    "No we didn't. I have a wife at home in Jersey, who is about to have our son or daughter."

    "Yeah we did. Your roommates tried to stop you, but you didn't listen."

     I ran my fingers through my hair. I just cheated on Kamryn. "I'm sorry, but you have to go." I said. She put her clothes on and silently left the hotel. I put my boxers and sweatpants on.

    I looked for my phone and found it on the ground. I unlocked and stared at my lock screen picture. It was Kamryn and I after she won the Divas Championship. The sooner I told Kamryn to less mad she could be.

    I dialed her number. With each ring the more nervous I became to tell her.

   "Hi, you've reached Kamryn. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone, but if you leave a message, I'll get back to you."

   "Hi babe. I miss you a lot. I forgot since its 12 in the afternoon here it's midnight for you." Don't chicken out, I thought to myself. "I just wanted to say I love you, and I'll be home in no time." I hung up the phone.

   "Dammit" I muttered to myself.

   I sighed and walked out to Seth's room ready for his lecture.

    I knocked on his door. He opened it up and disappointment came over his face when he saw me.

   "Dude, I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to explain this to her. Can you help me?"

   "I don't know what you want me to do. I tried to stop you. You can't even control yourself. Even when drunk you can't remember you're married and going to have a child soon. Some husband you are." Seth ranted then shut the door.

   He had every right to be mad. I'm such an asshole.

   My phone rang in my hand. The caller ID read Kamryn. Why was she calling me when it was 12:30 in the morning.

   "Kam? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

   "I should be, but when my water just broke you can't really sleep."

   "No, this wasn't suppose to happen for another month."

   "Its happening now. Is there any way you can be here?" She pleaded.

   "I'll try just, hold on. I love you."

   "I love you too." She said then hung up.

   "SETH!" I yelled banging on the door.

   "What?" He asked clearly annoyed.

   "Kamryn's water just broke."

     Oh dang. Tons of surprises. I also want to apologize for all the cliffhanger haha. There is going to be a lot of drama in the next chapter or so.

   And if you couldn't tell, they didn't want to know the gender of the baby until it's born.

    As always Happy Reading Sparkles.


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