Chapter 8

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I sat on the couch with Anastasia in my arms. She was wide awake staring up at me.

"Hi, gorgeous." She smiled at me. I hardly let her leave my arms. She's always with me unless she's asleep.

Roman walked downstairs with only sweatpants on and his hair was everywhere. That was the man I fell in love with. We laid in sweatpants, in each other's arms, the happier days. Now I hardly know him.

He sat down next to me and looked down at Anastasia. She wrapped her tiny hand around his finger. She loved Roman. She smiled just seeing him walk into the room.

"Kam, can we talk?"

"About?" I asked not looking up from Anastasia

"Us. We don't talk anymore. We only talk when it comes to Anastasia. How many times do I have to apologize? I made a mistake, but we love each other, and if you love someone you forgive their mistakes."

"Your apology means nothing to me. How do you think Anastasia will react when she's old enough to understand that her dad is a cheater."

"I made a mistake Kamryn. You act like you have never made a mistake in your entire life."

"I've made mistakes, but none that would affect my family."

"It was one time! You can't hold that over me forever!" He yelled standing and shoving the glass on the table off making is shatter. Anastasia began crying.

"I hope for your sake it doesn't." I walked toward mine and Roman's room.




Roman didn't talk to me much throughout the day. I hated the fact we were falling apart. The only thing keeping us together was Anastasia. I just wanted the happy relationship back that we used to have. I missed my husband. I just wanted my happy family back.

Roman strolled slowly into our room. He had papers in his hand, "babe, I want you to look at these." He handed them to me. I read the top and reread it multiple times. My eyes couldn't believe what they were reading.

"You want a divorce?" I whispered silently.

"It's not what I want. It's what you want. Obviously you're not happy with me, and I don't want to hold you back from finding who you truly love." I flipped around the pages and saw that he had already signed them.

"I signed them so you did have to worry about me not signing them or not." Tears welled up in my eyes. Roman and I may not be on good terms, but he was the one I truly loved. I stared down at Anastasia. She was the only thing keeping a Roman and I together.

"If you want me to sign, I'll sign." I muttered. He handed me the pen. I set Anastasia in her crib and clicked the pen. I stared down at the dotted line below where Roman had signed.

My mother always told me that if I ever married and thought about divorce that there is no such thing as a "broken family." Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.

I ripped the papers and threw them on the ground. I grabbed Roman's face to have him face me, "listen here Roman Reigns. You will not give up on this family. I will not give up on this family. We're in love, and it's going to stay that way. We may fight, but that comes with the ride. We said our vows and we're going to stick to them. We've been through way to much to give up now. You may be an asshole, but you're my asshole, not anyone else's. You are mine, I am yours, and that is our daughter. We have to be a whole to make sure she is going to have a good life."

Roman grabbed my face and kissed me with so much passion it was unbelievable. Roman is never a romantic type of guy to kiss me with passion.

He pulled away and placed his forehead on mine, "I'm glad you ripped up those papers, because I almost had a breakdown writing my name."

I smiled at him, "there's no way in hell I'll ever sign those papers."

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