Chapter 7

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               Kamryn POV

                 Holding Anastasia in my arms is probably the greatest thing that has happened to me. Looking into her gorgeous eyes, is better than me winning the Divas Championship. She was an exact clone of Roman, only a girl obviously.

         Speaking of Roman. My excitement of having Anastasia wore off, and the effects of what he told me were starting to hit, hard.


         "Kamryn I love you with all my heart. I'd do anything for you. I want you to know that what I'm about to say isn't going to be easy for you to take. Please don't leave me, I made a mistake. I cheated on you in Europe." Roman confessed.

        Tears rolled down my face thinking about him saying that. I don't know what I did wrong. I was loyal. I was nothing but loyal. I never once looked at another man the way I looked at Roman. I couldn't understand why he would do that. It hurt so much.

      Today I got to finally leave the hospital. Anastasia was 3 days old. The past few days were spent with nurses running in and out telling me how to properly change her diaper, or feed her the correct way. They also wanted me to stay an extra few days because they didn't want me moving while all that was healing down there, if you know what I mean.

     I've only said a few words to Roman. I only talk to him about Anastasia. He probably knows I'd break down if he tried to bring it up.

    "Are you ready to take her home?" My main nurse asked me. I nodded not being able to take my eyes off Anastasia. She is gorgeous. She hardly cried, and when she did, it was the cutest sound in the entire world.

    Roman sat her carrier on the hospital bed. I set Anastasia in there, and Roman tried to buckle her up.

    "You're going to have to talk to me at some point." Roman spoke quietly fumbling with the buckles.

    "I don't have to speak to you if I don't feel like it." I said grabbing the buckles to show him out to buckle them.

    Before Roman said anything the nurse came back in with release papers, "we'll be sending her birth certificate in the mail." She said handing me the papers. I filled them out and handed them back.

    "We'll miss Anastasia, she's gorgeous." The nurse said gushing over her. Pretty much every nurse has done the same thing.

    "Thank you for everything." Roman said picking up the carrier.

    "Of course. Goodbye." She said waving and smiling at us as we made our way out of the hospital room. We walked down the corridor silently. If you were on the sideline and didn't know us, we'd look like one big happy family, but it was just the opposite.

     We walked out the front doors into the cool New Jersey air.

    "I'll go get the car." Roman said passing the carrier to me. I waited patiently for him to drive up in our black Range Rover. He pulled up in front of me and hopped out. He opened one of the doors to the backseat and put the carrier there. I opened the passenger door and sat down. After of few minutes of struggling with putting the seatbelt through the carrier, we were off on the streets on our way home.

    "Didn't I say I was sorry?" He asked annoyed with the fact I was ignoring him.

    "Actually no you didn't. But good try though." I said sarcastically.

    "But you know I'm sorry. You think I'm okay with what I did to you?"

    "What was her name?" I asked ignoring his question.

    "What?" He asked taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

    "Keep your eyes on the road, we do have a new born in the back seat," His eyes went back to the road. "I asked what her name was."

    "Juliet?" He said coming out as a question.

    "Was she pretty?"

    "Kam." He said in a warning tone.

    "Was she pretty?" I asked more stern this time.

    "Not as beautiful as you."

    "Good answer." I mumbled.

    We pulled up in front of our house and I quickly jumped out to get Anastasia. I unbuckled her and grabbed the carrier. I walked up the stairs and waited for Roman to unlock the door. He held the door open for me and I stepped in.

     "Welcome home Anastasia."


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