Chapter 6

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Kamryn POV

    I laid in bed wanting to fall asleep. My mind was all over the place. My baby kept kicking me making it difficult for me to fall asleep. Roman called me, but I ignored it wanting to sleep. My phone vibrated saying I had a voicemail. I smiled hearing Roman's voice. Every time he spoke it made my heart flutter.

    I set my phone on the side table. I turned on my side when I felt something liquid run down my leg.

   "Oh my God." I said out loud. I quickly called Roman back.

   Kam? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

   "I should be, but when my water just broke you can't really sleep."

   "No, this wasn't suppose to happen for another month."

   "Its happening now. Is there any way you can be here?" I pleaded.

   "I'll try just, hold on. I love you."

   "I love you too." I said then hung up.

    I pulled on new sweatpants and grabbed extra clothes. I grabbed the bag Roman and I packed that had baby clothes. I pulled on some tennis shoes and my phone. I hobbled down the stairs and grabbed my keys. I opened the door and moved the seat back.

     "Theres no way I can drive." I needed someone there, so I called Kait. She had an apartment a few minutes away.

    "Hello?" Kaitlyn said grogily.

    "Hey I need you to come to my house and take me to the hospital. My water just broke."

    "What? It's too early!"

    "I'm not going to just stand here and argue with you. I don't really want to have this baby in my driveway, will you please come get me?"

   "Yeah, I'm on my way." I paced around my yard waiting for Kaitlyn. My phone vibrated in my hand. I checked the caller I.D. It was Roman.

    "Hey babe, I just got on the business jet. I should be there soon. How are you?"

    "I've been better. Might be better if my husband didn't convince me that our baby wouldn't come while he was overseas for work."

    "I'm doing all I can Kamryn. I'm only one person!" He said angrily through the phone. I hung up on him not wanting to start an argument. A contraction came through and I immediately grabbed my stomach in pain. It went away and I sighed in relief. It was only going to get worse from here.

     Kaitlyn pulled in my driveway. I jumped into the passenger seat.

    "You ready?" She asked.

    "As ready as I'll ever be."




    "Kamryn, you are 5 centimeters dilated. You should be ready to push soon." The doctor said. I was laying in the hospital bed. Kaitlyn fell back asleep in the chair.

    "I can't push until my husband gets here."

    "I'm sorry but that's not an option." The doctor said walking out of the room.

    My eyelids grew heavier and I started falling asleep. I woke up to see Kaitlyn walking in. She smiled at me.

    "What?" I asked confused. Roman came strolling in after her. My face lit up. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

    "I missed you." He said in my hair. Before I could respond another contraction came through. I started crying from the pain.

    "Kamryn are you ready to push?" The doctor asked walking into the room. I stayed silent.

    "Kamryn I love you with all my heart. I'd do anything for you. I want you to know that what I'm about to say isn't going to be easy for you to take. Please don't leave me, I made a mistake. I cheated on you in Europe." Roman confessed.

     I started crying again, "you did what?"

    "Please don't make me say it again." Kaitlyn was just as shocked as I was.

    "Kamryn you need to push." I couldn't do anything. I couldn't breathe.

    "Kamryn you have to push. Forget Roman and what he said. Right now you are about to meet your child." Kaitlyn said shaking me. I pushed with all my might. After about 5 pushes a beautiful cry filled the room.

     "You have a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said.

    "Good job Kam." Kaitlyn said. The doctor handed her to me. She stopped crying and looked up at me. She had Roman's eyes.

    "What's her name?" Kaitlyn asked.

    "Anastasia Rose." I breathed out. We hadn't picked out names yet because Roman didn't seem to interested in it. So I decided..

     On July 27th, 2014 I Kamryn Reigns gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 5 pounds 4 ounces, Anastasia Rose Reigns. Nothing Roman told me could possibly upset right now because she's perfect.

       I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating since like April. I've been so caught up with my other story I neglected this one.

    What do you think of all the drama?

    Roman telling Kamryn he cheated right before she gave birth to Anastasia?

     How will Kamryn react?

    Until the next update (it won't be in 3 months, I promise)


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