Vacation (Part III)

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Perrie POV

I walked out to find Y/n on the beach waiting for me. I dont know what he told her but what ever it was it clearly stuck. I walked up next to her to see her looking at the ocean she seemed mesmerized by it, I looked out at Sea and I felt her tense up

"What is happening between us?" My eyes widened at the question she had just asked me, "W-What do you mean" I said facing her, "Bella was acting weird this morning talking about how some relationship doesn't work because they were not chosen to be together" she said leaving me shocked again

Bella told me that she told Y/n the same thing she had told me "then Alex come and tell me that, what is going on" I heard Y/n say snapping me back to reality

"What did Alex tell you" I said making her look at me but repeat herself, "He wants me to stay away from you cause he thinks I have feelings for you" she said making me think...we are on vacation I'm not suppose to be thinking

Why would he even say something like that, "Is there something going on between us" she asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "What! No, I dont know. Do you want anything to happen" I said proberbly sounding like the most idiotic person right now.

"Im with Bella and Im happy" she said "So thats a no?" I asked looking her in the eyes but she looked down, "No" "So its a yes" I said making her look at me confused "No, I mean, not no but not yes"

"You know what lets just stop here before someone says something that should not be said" I turned around to walk away when she grabbed my and pulled me into her and held me tight. "Y/n dont" I said and pulled away.

"Perrie...","No Y/n" I said cutting her off "We were friend for what seemed as forever, you cant possibly tell me that now you have feelings for me or care for me more than you should" I said trying to hold back the tears "We cannot do this, 0its to late I chose Alex and i stand by my choices, I told you we should have stopped" I said and walked away from her and went back to the room.


I walked back to my room and sat on the bed. "Y/n?" I heard bella say as she walked in. "What happened" her eyes widened when she saw my state. I felt parazlised, I couldnt move, I dont think I wanted to.

What if she was right, what if everuone was right. Do I have feelings for Perrie, "Y/n you do" Bella said looking me in the eye and I looked at her confused, "You love her and it is far beyond the friendship line. And it is okay" I looked at her confused

"She doesnt-" "She does" Bella said giving me a soft smile "No, I know how she feels about me she made that part really clear" I said making her look down

"We can be us anymore" I looked at her shocked but then looked back down, "I cant be with someone who is meant to be with someone else" I looked up at her, "You mean you cant be with someone who is not gonna be your the way you want me to be"

"That made no sense, and I mean I can be with someone who has feelings for someone else and in all fairness I dont think it is fair to you either" I looked at her wide eyed

"So you have feelings for someone else? Who?" I asked and she sighed, "Thats not important right now. What's important is that you aget you work done for today you ave to meet up with" "I know" I said cutting her off

"Maybe I should go sleep with Pez and Jes for tonight" she said waking up from the bed, "Hey" I said waking up and walking towards her "I meant every word thy I told you, I really do love you" I said earning a small smile "I love you to, bestie" she said making me chuckle, "Sleep here, I'm not sure what time I will finish anyways" I said she nodded and walked back in the room. I kissed her cheek before going outside

I walked down to the beach to watch the sunset before I had to leave. "It's really beautiful" I heard a voice say snapping me out of my thoughts. "What do you want" I said in a annoyed tone "Ouch, that was cold" she said "I'm sorry Leigh I'm just really not in the mood right now" I said making her sigh

"I know you and Perrie got that I just got dumped and need a drink look " she said making me chuckle at the thought of a bad idea, "Sadly I have work to do so I cant really get drunk right now" I said making her giggle "Not to mention that will be a really bead idea" I said while playing with the sand

"You both have feelings for each other which is one of the reasons you and Bella broke up" I looked at her surprised, hw does she know that just happened like five minutes ago, "Girls talk
Y/n" she said making me chuckle "Speaking of which you and Pez should-"

"Look, I really appreciate you coming down here to talk to me about this" I said cutting her off "But I know how Pez feels about me. Bella thinks otherwise and broke up with me with the idea that Pez and I are gonna get together" I said explaining everything

"I won't stand in the way of Bella's happiness and Perrie doesn't have any feelings for me what so ever" I said and got an apologetic look from Leigh

"Hey Y/n" I voice said causing me to turn around

Nothing is better than being at home during the holidays when you can write...more drama ahead so buckle up and I hope you enjoy the ride



* UNWANTED LOVE... A PERRIE AND Y/N STORY*Where stories live. Discover now