Out Of The Dark (Part 1)

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We took a shower and I changed and walked out the room as I heard my front door open and Y/n run upstairs

"What are y-ou guys doing here" I said as if I was only speaking to them. "Can't we pop in to see how our lovely baby girl has been doing" Leigh said walking in and looking around the room 

"What are you looking for" I asked making Jade look at me with a smirk playing on  her lips

"Nobody, should we be looking for somebody" I frowed my eyebrows and the smirk on her face only grew making me look at them suspiciously 

"You wouldn't know why the paps think that Y/n is back home would you" she asked me making me shake my head faking confusion

"Heyy Y/n" Leigh said making me turn around to an emoty staircase...I can't believe I fell for that

"I knew it!" she screamed making Y/n walk down, "She never was good at keeping a secret" she said walking towards the girls and giving them a hug

"And my those marks I'm guessing you two made up" Jade said making my eyes go wide

"What marks!" I said and ran to the bathroom making Y/n flow behind me. "Have I ever told you how much I love you" she said but I just glared at her making her laugh

"This isn't funny we have an interview later on today" I said not realizing what she just said

"Well atleast there will be confirmation that I'm back in town" she said making me glare at her

"Oh there will be rumours that I cheated on you!" I said making her chuckle

"You were gone along time Y/n and alot of things happened" I said more frustrated, "What are you talking about" she said making my eyes widen

"Forget about it, I have to get ready" I kissed her cheap and walked out the bathroom I can't believe I almost blew it



Perrie has been acting really weird today they had returned from their interview couple hours ago and I just stayed in the house

Shannel came to visit me earlier but left cause she had things to do but she told me I should talk to Pez about something and she will stop by for dinner

The girls walked in and I couldn't help but stare at the blue eyed beauty in front of me making me walk up to her and pull her out the house

I grabbed my keys and told the girls to make themselves at home we would be back in a while

 "Get in we need to talk" I said making her jump in the passenger seat and I took off, "Where are we going?" I ignored her and kept on driving

We reached a small cafe along the beach and I jumped off and walked in the beach with Perrie not far behind me "You know we had our first kiss on a beach under the moonlight" I observed the sunset as she walked up next to me

"Yeah, but that wasn't here" I frown appeared on my face and I could tell she noticed it 

"Something happened when I was gone" I heard her sigh and turned to face her but she kept her eye on the horizon

"Alot happened by the looks of it" she turned to face me but I looked down, "I know you was with Lauren" my eyes widened as I looked at her 

"I didn't sleep with her if that is what you worried about" she sighed and shook her head "Did you kiss her" "Did you kiss Alex" I asked avoiding the question

"No, but" she stopped herself making me take a step towards her. "Did you kiss her" she asked again "Did you kiss him" "No offcourse not" I looked at the horizon, "Was she a good kisser" she asked making my eyes widen "How-"

"I know when you hiding something" I took a step towards her but my heart broke when she took a step back "Pez" "Don't!" she screamed making me flinch

"I've been hurt so many times, I've been drugged for the love of-" my blood was now boiling she stopped once she realized what she had just said

"You never mentioned that before" I said in a calm tone, "It happened a long ago Y/n" I shook my head and she knew in didn't buy it but she stuck with the excuse

"Perrie Edwards! Who" my voice was louder than expected an she flinched by the tone of my voice and she knew I was pissed   

"Y/n you are not in the right state of mind" I was about to say something when we were cut off by my phone ringing, I picked it up to hear a voice I really didn't want to

"Scream any louder Y/n and I will be able to make a story out of" it really didn't help my state at the moment but I could tell Perrie was becoming uncomfortable. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down

"How did you get this number" I was responded to with laughter which made my blood boil all over again

 "Oh my bestie gave me the number, you know her, she is standing in front of you after all" my eyes widened at the news I had just received

"Oh and tell her I really enjoyed the other night" with that I ended the call and she just looked at me confused 


Y/n looked pissed, she almost crushed her phone in her hand before I grabbed it, she looked at me with regret laced in her eyes

"Who was it on the phone" she just ignored me and looked at the silent ocean in front of us "Wouldn't you like to know" she said in an emotionless tone

"Alex wanted me to tell you he enjoyed the other night, I guess the pictures told the right story" she said making me look at her confused

"What other night" then I remembered about the drugging, it slipped my mind when Y/n was on the phone call "Y/n"

"Save it" I went to grab her hand but she shoved mine down making me shove hers back and grab her face and kiss her

She didn't kiss back but instead push me off her "Listen to me" she turned around and as about to walk away when I screamed

"It was Alex" she stopped and turn to face me confusion written all over her face "That drugged me" her eyes widened and anger took the place of confusion

Heyy guys so I hope you enjoyed the chapter...About the Gigi book how would you like the writing style do u prefer how I started the this book or how I'm writing it now???

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* UNWANTED LOVE... A PERRIE AND Y/N STORY*Where stories live. Discover now