The Secrets (Part 2)

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Perrie POV

Last night was scary, I have never seen Y/n like that before. If only I could make her feel better but since this morning she has been acting weird, well more than usual

She never lets me out her sight especially if we going out, for some reason she had this thing where she didn't let any guy touch me and she would offer to drive me everywhere

Its now noon and we heading to Jesy's place for supper and I have been getting ready for over an hour cause I keep getting lost in my thoughts

Hopefully I can talk to her in the car, but she hasn't brought up last night at all, so something's up, I can feel it

"Pez are you ready" I heard her scream as she came up the stairs, "Not yet I just need to-" I was cut off by the door opening "Seriously babe" I said making her give me that cute goofy smile

"What? I always used to do that, but now I can do what I couldn't before" she said and walked over to me "And what is that exactly" I said and walked foward, meeting her in the middle

"Oh you know this" she said slowly wrapping her arms around my waist make chills go up and down my spine "And this" she said in a softer tone and she kissed my lips and moved down to my neck

"Y-Y/n...if we keep going we gonna be late" I said as she kissed further down my neck and stopped when she reached my collarbone

"Whats the worst that could happen" she said moving up my neck slowly "Oh I don't know, we could get kitchen duty" I said making her stop and look up at me

"Let me get dressed and I will have a surprise for you later when we get back" I whispered in a soft sweet tone making her close her eyes which made me smirk

"Good to see I still have that effect on you" I said earning a smile from her "You will always have that effect on me" she said making me blush

"Always the charmer" I said looking in her eyes. I could she she wanted to tell me something but she stopped herself. I moved away from her and she pulled me back

"Y/n I need to get ready" I said and looked at her but she just looked down and let go and took a step back "I didn't mean it like that" i said and took and steel foward but she took one back

I looked at her confused and grabbed her hand and took a step forward "I know you didn't I just get really scared when I do that" she said making me look at at her confused

"What do you mean" I asked and walked over to the bed she sat down and I went to get my cloths and put them on. It's starting to get chilly now

"What happen. You've been acting strange ever since last night" I said "I had a bad dream that is al-"

"Oh really so that has nothing to do with why you have been so protective today" I said cutting her off

She puting her head down and I sat next to her "You can talk to me you know" I said making her look at me confused "No secrets remember. The Secrets is what keeps us apart" I said earning a sigh from her

"I dreamt that you left me well chose someone else over me and you guys made out on my kitchen table-"

"Wait that was your bad dream" I said cutting her off again "Yes it was" I could not contain my laughter any longer in that moment i started laughing earning a mega confused look from her

"Why are you laughing" she asked me "Who would I chose over you" I said trying to contain my laughter

"You know what, this is stupid" she said and was about to walk out when I pulled her back down

"No its not, tell me who" I asked making her sigh again "Alex" the laugh vanished in that moment and I was dead serious

"Why would you think I would leave you for him" I said while holding her hands in mine "Because" she said. I looked at her to go on and finish the sentence but she never I nudged her...hard

"Ouch!" She screamed "continue" I said and moved closer to her "Because he knows my past...All of it. And he was right you shouldn't be with a person like me" she said making me look at her confused.

"What do you mean your past?" I asked and she put her head down avoiding my confused gaze "There are some things even you dont know Pez" she said making me stand up and walk infront of her

"Well when you ready to tell me-" I stopped mid sentence

"What could he possibly know that I don't and the only reason you would be acting this way is if you weren't planning on telling me yourself" I said but she just looked down

"You were planning on telling me?" I asked her but she remained silent "Do you not trust me?"

I asked again but still no reply and now I'm starting to get angry, "Y/n answer me!" I yelled 

"STOP!" she yelled back which cause me to jump back, "Pez I trust you but I do not wanna lose you not now and not to him" she said. I didn't know what to think anymore.

"Y/n, I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. You can trust me" i said but she just shook her head. she woke up and turned around once she reached the door,

"Those are big words Pez don't use them unless you are sure about what it is you are saying, and who you are saying it to" she said and walked out.

The car ride to Jesy's house was really quiet but not uncomfortable...okay maybe a little. she hasn't said a word from the time we were in the room and i really wanted to talk to her so i can tell her that i meant every word i said 

We reached Jes' place and dinner was normal Y/n spoke normal and occasionally looked at me but looked away as soon as i noticed. We were there late but called it a night at around 10:30. Y/n and i left and she dropped me off and left after that.

She told me she was going to be late and that I mustn't wait up for her, she was going to be late so I did as I was told

The next morning I woke up and there was no sine of Y/n anywhere. I phoned the girls 

*Phone call*

Perrie: Guys have you heard from Y/n since last night

Leigh Anne: No babes

Jade: Why whats the matter?

Jesy: Didn't she come back home after the party. Wait she left with you, didn't she?

*After phone call*


Heyy guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

Quick question: If you had to go on vacation where would you go  



* UNWANTED LOVE... A PERRIE AND Y/N STORY*Where stories live. Discover now