Gone and back?

43 14 14


It's here, then it's not,
we wish that we could stop.
To go back to that moment,
when everything was fine.

How I'd love to have that moment again,
Here, now, infront of my eyes.
Cause everything seemed better then,
But it was followed by lots of cries. 

And those times really sucked,
Cause from them, the happiness was plucked.
This doesn't make me want to go back,
So I guess I'm on the right track.

They say everything happens for a reason,
Sometimes that seems like such a crap.
Cause I don't see any shining beacon,
It just seems like a trap.

But everything that happened made me who I am today,
And I don't wanna lose that now,
So I have to find a way,
Even if I don't know how.

That leaves me with one thing to do,
Moving forward without further ado.
For the good will come as well as bad,
It will make me glad as well as sad.

I'll cherish the memories and experience that I've gained,
How I tried to smile even when it rained.
Well, I can only hope the good will prevail,
And I won't totally fail.


Mind RhymingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora