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During the day, eyes full of wonder,
While trough the city I wander.
I come home, then at night,
My thoughts aren't so bright.

I will go to my room and cry,
Seemingly, I have no reason why.
Don't know why I feel sad an empty,
Perhaps I just should be angry.

True, I don't get angry a lot,
Maybe I should? Or maybe not.
I'm only angry with myself for being dumb,
Getting hurt so much until I'm numb.

Then it stops and here I go again,
Picking up the pen, when
This crushing feeling invites itself to me,
Leaving me scared and small, no happy way to be.

For a while it's holding me, crushing,
Making my world stop, no rushing,
Then once more I feel numb to the world,
My eyes with tears blurred.

So this just happens over time,
Then I feel the need to rhyme.
I guess it's better than to hold it in,
Makes it easier to fake grin.


...I primarily published this book thinking noone would read it so I was okay with it, now I noticed it has over 500 views which is crazy... Kind of makes me want to hide, but also thank you all who are reading, means a lot.


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