What's hidden

45 15 28


I don't mind being alone,
But after a while, it can get very overbearing,
So I wish I had someone caring,
Who'd care enough to answer the phone.

I shouldn't complain, I'm not in a bad situation, not really,
I have parents who love me, sisters with whom I can be silly.
Yet it doesn't feel all right, enough,
I still have this feeling when it's get rough.
For I don't share my problems with them,
I don't do it now, didn't do it then.

You ask what about others?
Yes, I have friends,
We talk about them, joke and laugh,
but that's where it ends.

For I never truly shared,
Well, to ask, noone ever dared.
For a storm I hide,
It's raging inside.

We talk about their problems,
Recalling awkward moments,
I may pitch in now and there,
Suppose that's only fair.

But to say what's truly in my heart,
I can't do that, at most just a part.
It just feels so strange to me, weird,
Saying all this is what I've always feared.

I don't know why, what's the matter?
Afraid my heart will shatter?
Guess not really,
It's just, I never feel
Like that's what they want to hear.

Don't think they'd really understand,
Won't truly offer their helping hand.
Still find it rather curious,
How even my family and close friends,
Have no idea where it all truly stands.

It's not like they ask and I lie,
I just rather tell the sky,
For it has no wrong assumptions about me,
No preaching about how or who I should be.

I'm too tired to correct them, explain,
In the end, it would still be in vain.
For they've already made a picture of me in their heads,
It ain't changing any time soon,
that's as close to me as it gets,
Maybe that'll be my doom.

So I'm left alone with my sorrow,
Wishing for a better tomorrow,
Which may come or maybe not,
Guess I have to work with what I've got.


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