Constant companion

37 13 13


I knew it was too good to be true,
You made me like you,
But I guess you never really were a friend,
Hence why this is coming to an end.

You were non believing,
And now you're leaving,
They say looks are deceiving,
Words are worse, they hurt, sting.

Well go, I'm sorry you thought I'm the worst,
Wonder what you'd do if our roles were reversed.
I was there, I listened, I stayed,
With another hit I was paid.

I didn't judge you, not once,
You judged me,
Went on a little angry spree,
Now all I have is silence.

Even though it might keep the balance,
I'm not craving vengeance.
Now I'll wait with patience,
For next lighter moment,
With my only constant,



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