Someone else's dream

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Some people just have it in them, they're liked and funny.
They don't even have to put much afford in it, almost any.
I don't like them just because others do,
But because they caught my attention, just like you.

Funny thing is, they don't realise what they're doing,
Even if for others, they are mind blowing.
Sometimes they even get annoyed by all the love and attention they get,
Not realizing how many people wish they'd get what they had.

But that's just the thing isn't it?
The thing we don't want to admit.
When you don't have one, you wish for someone's wit,
If you aren't, you wish to be fit,
Sometimes you wanna be someone else, even if for just a bit.

But you don't realize what you have, you're blind.
What isn't good enough for you,
Might be for what some everything would do.
We're all same in this, we're blind, looking for something more to find.

It's hard to stop, change,
It just feels so strange,
A dream came true,
But it wasn't yours,
It happened to you,
But other heart sores.

For he wishes he had what you do,
While away what you got threw.


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