Life lesson

30 13 27


Life doesn't give you what you want,
Your dreams may turn into nightmares that haunt.

The worst is when you're so close to reaching your dream,
Suddenly, it's gone, ripped away,
You're left only with tears that stream.

Then again, sometimes what you want it not what you need,
Even though at the beginning your heart might bleed.

You're left with two choices,
To give up or find a reason,
Why live through another season.

I belive you can do it, you can fight,
You just have to find the light,
That will lead you through the dark,
After you discover the primal spark.

Now you delt with it, you're strong,
You'll survive anything that may go wrong.
Maybe that's why it happened, that's your why,
It teaches you 'you should always keep going, try.'


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