One Tragic Accident

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It wasn't until she was swept off her feet did she realize that a pair of strong arms were holding onto her. His arms were gripping her tightly, with no intention of letting go.

The emotionless face let tears fall, as she held onto him. Crying into his chest.

"Are you okay?!" He said scared.

"I'm sorry. I didn't...I didn't mean to..." She says inbetween sobs.

She had zoned out because of what happened in the past week.

Her world felt like it was about to crumble underneath her. She didn't mean to, that was the truth.

Her eyes got blurry and she wasn't thinking before starting to walk across the road to get home.

She got the call that her parents were splitting and after years of happiness, it was all going to be destroyed, she thought.

The light turned green and she stood up like nothing happened, wiped her tears and started walking. Leaving him behind to watch as she walked away.

She didn't know him and he didn't know her. But after this he wanted to know her.

He wanted to make sure she was okay.

And she had just wanted a shoulder to cry on.

An Eunwoo fanfic I'm making while I make my sanha one...

Honestly not feeling the Sanha one as much but idk we'll see

It's odd having to bounce between first person and third so please excuse me if I accidentally use the wrong POV

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