Seventeen Hugs

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Jisu and Eunwoo stood in an office at Fantagio together. They were waiting to talk to a representative about the recent dating rumors between the two.

"To think all the rumors about us started over a hug, hah." Eunwoo chuckled.

"Don't go hugging too many girls or you'll have more rumors." Jisu joked.

"Same goes for you." The two laughed until the representative came in.

They greeted her as she took a seat at the desk.

"Okay all we need to know is whether you two are dating or not. Then we take action from there." She said looking at the two of them waiting for an answer.

"No, we aren't dating." Eunwoo said first.

"We're just good friends who hadn't seen each other in a while." Jisu added.

"Good. That's what I'll tell the press. You can go just from now on, be cautious and try not to show a lot of skinship. No matter how close you are or how long it's been since you've seen each other. Okay?" She said firmly. They both nodded. "You may go."

She wrote a few things down as the two bowed and walked out.

As soon as they walked out, Astro's manager walked up to them.

"Glad I found you." He said.

"I'll see you later then." Jisu smiled to Eunwoo, guessing his manager needed him for something.

"Ah, actually glad I found both of you." His manager said.

They both looked at each other.

"Jisu, your manager is this way." He brought both of them to an empty room.

"We've gotten a lot of offers recently for the both of you." He said as they walked in and he closed the door.

"You two have become a power visual couple since these rumors started." Jisu's Manager said.

"Offers for what?" Jisu questioned.

"For everything. Modeling, commercials, MC-ing together. Right before the rumors, we had Music Bank telling us that you two were very popular that day you did the MC-ing together when Jisu came as a fill in." His manager explained.

"Alright, any more questions before we discuss the offers?" Her manager looked at them both and they shook their heads. "Good. Let's talk business."

The two sat and figured out what offers they were accepting.

After they signed contracts and worked their schedule out, they were let out of the room.

It was already 5:00 and lucky for them, they both had the day off.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?" Eunwoo asked.

"Sure. There's a noodle place near by that I really like, do you wanna try it?" Jisu suggested.

He nodded and they both walked to the restaurant to eat together for the first time in a while.

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