Eleven Rows

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Eunwoo leaned against the car as he texted Jisu and a few minutes later she came out of her apartment.

He looked at her, admiring how beautiful she was, but that didn't let him hesitate from opening the door for her.

Eunwoo was the gentleman type and Jisu knew that. She smiled at his gesture and got into the passengers seat.

Eunwoo walked around to the drivers side.

"You look pretty." Eunwoo said casually as he backed the car up. Jisu's cheek flushed pink. He cleared his throat. "The theatre is about 15 minutes out, so you can be in charge of the radio."

Jisu changed the radio station.

Throughout the drive, Jisu unknowingly hummed the songs on the radio and Eunwoo smiled at how cute she was.

"What?" Jisu questioned Eunwoo's smile.

"Oh..nothing." Eunwoo continued to smile big.

"What!! Tell me!!" She whined.

"You're humming and it's cute." Eunwoo's eyes didn't leave the road. He concentrated on driving and Jisu noticed the way both of his hands were placed on the steering wheel and the way his eyes would go from the road to the rear view mirror to the side mirrors.

He was a careful driver. She studied his driving habits, and how he furrowed his brows whenever someone would change lanes without signaling.

This time, she looked out the window and smiled.

She watched the buildings pass until Eunwoo parked the car in the theatre parking lot.

"We're here!" He chimed.

They got out the car and Eunwoo locked it. Eunwoo was about to put his keys in his pocket when Jisu suggested just putting it in her bag.

They walked in and printed their tickets.

"What do you want to eat?" Eunwoo asked as they walked up to the concession stand.

"Hm..not sure." Jisu looked over the menu.

"Wanna share a medium popcorn?" He suggested pulling out his wallet.

"Sure! I'll also get a water and sour gummy worms." Jisu reached for her wallet in her bag when Eunwoo gave her a look. "What?"

"I'll pay. You don't have to get out your wallet."

"You can't pay for the tickets and the food."

"I can and I will." Eunwoo smiled wide as Jisu smiled back and rolled her eyes.

He ordered the food and they carried it to the theatre.

"We're in row 11, seat 14 and 15." Jisu read the tickets.

They got to their row and walked to their seats as the commercials on the big screen played.

They sat down, Jisu on the left and Eunwoo on the right. Jisu opened her candy bag.

"Want some?" She whispered as she held the bag towards him.

"Sure." Eunwoo smiled as he took a piece. He held the popcorn towards his left side so it would be easier for her to take some whenever she wanted.

The movie started soon after and halfway through the movie the popcorn ran out.

Jisu reached in without taking her eyes off the screen and chuckled as she felt nothing but the kernels at the bottom of the bag.

Eunwoo looked over at her and smiled.

He chuckled and leaned over to her ear and whispered.

"Next time, I'll buy a large." He said. His warm breathe against her skin sent chills down her spine.

Her face turned red but she was glad it was dark so no one could see.

Prince (ASTRO Eunwoo)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ