Nine Truth or Dare's

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They all sat laughing, talking and eating in the burger restaurant until the sun went down.

When they all finished they decided to head to the nearest playground.

"Should we play a game?" Rocky sneakily suggested.

"What game?" MJ asked excited.

"Truth or Dare!" Jinjin yelled.

"Okay! Truth or Dare it is~!" MJ jumped around. "I'll go first! Someone ask me."

"Truth or Dare!" Moonbin said as everyone sat in a circle on the mulch. Jisu sat next to Eunwoo and Binnie.


"I dare you to lick the slide." Moonbin laughed.

Without another word MJ ran over and quickly licked it and came back with a disgusted face. All of them laughing and giggling.

"Jinjin! Truth or Dare." Eunwoo said.

"Truth because I am not gonna lick a slide." Jinjin laughed at MJ.

"Rate your visuals out of 100." Eunwoo said.

"99." Jinjin said immediately, causing everyone to laugh.

"Why not 100??" Jisu asked.

"Because there's always room for improvement." He chuckled.

The game continued for a few rounds.

"Sanha, if you had to spend the rest of your life with one person who would you choose?" Rocky asked.

"Jisu! She's my favorite noona." Sanha exclaimed. Jisu smiled, got up and ran over to give him a big hug.

Everyone cheered and Eunwoo tried to push the feeling of jealousy aside.

"Jisu! Truth or Dare!!" Sanha said.

"Truth." Jisu said confidently as she got up to sit back at her spot in the circle.

"If you had to date someone here who would choose?" Sanha asked as everyone went "oooo" and Jisu rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Um...Eunwoo." Jisu said causing everyone to cheer again.

Eunwoo held his head down as he was flushing pink and smiling so much.

"Eunwoo! Truth or Dare!!" MJ yelled.


"Kiss Jisu!!!" MJ squealed.

"I won't do anything she doesn't want me to do." Eunwoo says sweetly.

"It's fine haha." Jisu laughed. "Just do it."

"I'll do it on the cheek, okay?" He said.

Eunwoo flushed pink again and turned to face her.

His face slowly grew closer to hers until his lips connected to her cheek for a few seconds before he pulled away.

The other boys "woo"'s and "ahhhh!!"'a in the background.

"Ok, MJ. Truth or Dare." Eunwoo said.

"Dare~~I'm not afraid of anything." MJ said with confidence

"Kiss Rocky." Eunwoo smirked with revenge.

"Why do I have to get punished!!" Rocky whined as everyone laughed.

MJ made it really dramatic as he quickly pecked Rocky's cheek and Rocky screamed.

The game lasted a little while longer until they decided it was getting late and everyone headed home. Jisu, Sanha, Rocky and Moonbin all riding back together.

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