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A f t e r   s c h o o l

Seonho: Y/N?

Seonho: Are you crying rn?

Y/N: ...

Seonho: that means yes.

Y/N: ._.

Seonho: where are you?

Y/N: the sad bench.

Seonho: stay there. Seonho will get some ice creams and gummy bears first.

Y/N: okay.

Y/N: please don't ask me any question when you get here.

S e o n h o ' s  P O V

With ice creams and gummy bears in my hand, I walked toward the same place Y/N always goes to if she gets sad. I spotted a girl in pink hoodie covering her face with her hands. Time to dash.


She looked up at me with a blank expression on her face. I sat down  next to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"



I scooted closer and gave her a chocolate ice cream cone. She was savoring it slowly so I decided  to eat mine at the same pace too. But the second I glance at her, she has already finished it. What the... -.- .

"Do you still want more?"

I asked while holding my ice cream out toward Y/N signaling her to take mine. She took it without a second thought.

"I walked past a coffee shop on my way here. Guess who I saw."

"Who?" Said Y/N, staring at me with curious eyes.

"Doyeon noona."

"No way!"

"Yes way."

"OMG. I should have gone to the convenience store with you too"

"Too bad so sad"

The sun was starting to set. We should probably walk home now.
"Let go. I'll walk you home"

A t h o m e

You: seonho-ah

You: thanks ^^

Seonho: are you feeling better now?

You: definitely

Seonho: did you realizing what happened when you ate my ice cream?

You: what?

You: ohh

You: I don't mind since it was yours.

Seonho: ahhh okay.

What? she doesn't mind? My heart does multiples cartwheels when I think about it. Good thing it was an indirect one. Or else my heart would have burst right there. Someone would have to call the ER.


That was .... Kinda bland tho. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. ^^

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