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"Here," I gave the broken pair of glasses back to seonho, "I hope you can still use it."

"Really Y/N? You're expecting me to wear these broken glasses?" He  squinted at me with a questioning look on his face.

"I've already fixed it!"

"I'm not sure you can fix glasses by taping it back together."

"Just put it on." I groaned.

Seonho looked like an idiot in that glasses. Glasses held together by tape. Sounds like a major fashion violation to me. I tried to sniffle back my laughter but failed miserably.

"Do I really look that stupid?" He asked.

"You can take a look." I quickly handed him my compact mirrior.

"I shouldn't have let you borrow my glasses. Look what happened to it. Poor little thing." He examined his reflection some more,"Is it just me or did these glasses make my jawline disappear?"

I didn't answer back as I was busy  admiring the beauty of nothingness.

"Common, let's go. I'll walk you home." He stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Why are you grabbing my hand instead of your backpack?"

"Oh... My glasses must have make me look at stuff a bit differently. I didn't intend to hold your hand or anything." Pretending to be surprised, He answered back nonchalantly.

"Emm hmm. OMG look! A husky! Why is it so adorable. Let's go pet it." I squealed while practically dragging seonho along with me.

"You're totally way more adorable than that. I'll just stay here and pet you instead." He paused for a moment and said, "No wait. You're not cute. The glasses are making me see weird things."

"Whatever you say then."


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