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S E O N H O: Are you coming to school today?

Y O U: Nope

S E O N H O: Why?

Y O U: Not in the mood.

S E O N H O: okay. Did you erm-lost your cat?

Y O U: What?

Y O U: OMG. Where's Mr. Chicken?

S E O N H O: Why the hell would you name your cat "chicken"? =_=

Y O U: answer my question, geez.

S E O N H O: That cat freakin' followed me all the way to school. Now what am I supposed to do with it?

Y O U: Do feed him some milk. He likes strawberry milk. By any chance, Can you put him into your backpack? please? He's still a kitten. We can't leave him alone.

S E O N H O: Of course. not. What if i get caught?

Y O U: pweaseeu? 

Y O U: (°◡°♡)   

Y O U: (°◡°♡)   

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S E O N H O: Don't send me my own gif. ~~

Y O U: D:

Y O U: DD:

S E O N H O: ugh. fine.

Y O U: yayyyy

Y O U: Seonho's the best.

 Y O U:  (つ≧▽≦)つ  

Y O U: Common now...

S E O N H O: Sigh.

S E O N H O: ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃


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