Chapter One: Intro

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To start us off, let me give you a little background. The year it struck was 2073. Technology has advanced, but the world is near its end. A plague, a virus, a disease, whatever it is struck earth.

It originated in California and was spread around by water. This means tap water, mountain water, lake water, and sea water. Any water that can be thought of, you can bet it got to it. Of course you are probably now thinking, you need water to survive and if it was in all water, how are you still alive? Well, I'm getting to that. It didn't hit all water at once, it spread. It took a couple of days, but it did it. In the matter of a couple of days it was worldwide. People all around the world were infected by it.

Now, let me tell you what it does.
If you drink water that has been dirtied, it starts off with a sickness. A fever. The next week it turns to a fever, body aches. The third week, it turns to a fever, body aches, and vomiting. And the last final and fatal fourth week, a month into the sickness, you transform. A beast hard to describe with words. It was.. like a zombie, but not exactly. It had 3 arms, one growing out of the back and two on your sides where they usually are. It didn't have eyes.. it only had a mouth with 73 teeth they said. It also had tentacles that erupted from the back of its mouth. They were a light yellow color with hints of green and gray along its body. The only ways to kill them was to damage the brain, cut out its heart, or cut out its tentacles. The infected were mysterious creatures. Hard to read. But we did know they preferred the sea.

Every once in a while they would all migrate to the sea, dragging dead human bodies with them. For what reason they took these bodies I am unsure of, as no one has been down there with them. After studying this, they did it once a month for a week at random times, so you never knew when they would leave, but once they did you would know. That would give you a week of peace and quiet and time to gather anything you needed if you happened to be a survivor. I'm not sure how many of us are out there, but I intend to find out.

Things like cell phones or tv luckily still worked. Internet was also up. We could send out messages in local areas if we needed to to find survivors.

For survival, before the world was taken over, bottles were created to purify water and get out anything that may be harmful. Another thing was it didn't affect the animals. The animals were all still pure and free of infection. For now that's all I know about the infection.

My name is Decan King. I am 19 years old. I would have been a freshman in college this year had it not been for the plague. My whole family was infected so I was forced to trap them in a cage and keep them locked up until I'm able to find a cure. For protection we use whatever weapon we can get. I myself use a shotgun and a pistol to keep myself safe. I live with my best friend who survived the plague, Miller Coy. He is the same age as me. We have known each other our whole lives, and fate has it that we are together to survive this infection. His family was also infected, but he doesn't know where they are now. For his protection he uses a pistol, a shotgun, and a sniper from time to time. The current year is 2074, a year after the virus struck. Our living conditions are well, we have a tv, cell phones, and a house with electricity. We store food in the basement of our home, we have made the whole thing a big freezer to keep it cold. We also have a cow in the backyard and a couple of chickens. We took residence in a two story house with 4 rooms and 3 bathrooms. We have done well with just the two of us for a year now, what could change that?

I awoke to Miller knocking on my door.

"What is it?" I shouted out as I got out of bed and put a shirt on.

"Come on, get up I'm hungry" He said to me as he continued to bang on my door.

"Can't you make your own food for once?" I said as I put on my basketball shorts and socks then walked out the room.

"I can but your food is better than mine" he told me.

"Well thanks, but you can't sucker me into cooking for you. I do it because I want to". I told him as I went outside and grabbed a couple of eggs, milked the cow, and grabbed two pieces of steak from the basement. I then went to the kitchen and scrambled the eggs. I put them in a pan and cooked them while the steak cooked in a pan next to it. "So, what do we have planned for today?" I said as I took the eggs out of the pan and put them onto two different plates, each with a piece of steak along with a cup of milk. I gave Miller his plate then sat down next to him.

"Well, I was thinking today could be a day of rest, you know? Just a day where we can chill. Maybe send out a few messages for survivors if we want to.." He told me.

"Sounds like a plan, but do you honestly think there are survivors?" I responded to him with.

"Well if we survived why can't others have survived?" He told me as he finished his milk.

"Well, thats a good point. Lets just hope they get these messages." I said.

"Decan, be honest, do you think we will find a cure for this?" he said quickly changing the subject. I froze. I couldn't speak nor could I move. "Decan?" he said once more then I snapped back to reality.

"Uhh.. yeah I do, if we have the correct items" I said as I put my plate in the trash and cup in the sink.

"Well, I'm thinking we should rid the nearby infected then rest. I'll be back" I said as I grabbed my guns and walked outside, slamming the door behind me.

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