The Story Of Bruce Wayne

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the story.

A/N: So buds so I pretty much know that no one is going to finish reading this... it's really long. I kind of just wanted to put it out there. So tell me what you guys think. It is pretty much just a story recapping Bruce Wayne's life. So it's pretty much a story for the real fans who know everything about the batfamily that it feels real.


What is the law? The law is rules, paid enforcers, they were meant to bring peace. Though they were meant to bring peace, they never did. This world is anything but peaceful, it's full of chaos. Not everybody can see that the ones who enforce the law seem to pay no mind to the chaos, someone has to do something.

No one is innocent. Everyone has a deep dark secret that they would do anything to keep... anything. Everyone has an insane side of them waiting for the perfect time to come out. "Madness, as you know is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little push." Just one little push that turns everything upside down until you don't care anymore, until you're full of dark emptiness and you can't seem to find the light. I lost everything in the dark of night. I adapted to the dark. I live in the dark. I am the dark.

Me? Well I devoted my life to the dark. It all started one very late night on Park Row, now known as Crime Alley outside of the theater. It was a petty thief who killed my parents right in front of my eyes; everything flashed before my eyes... every time I think of that moment all that I remember is the smell of coppery blood in the air, and my mother's fancy pearl beads fall to my feet. The thief, shocked at what he'd just done, ran. That moment changed my life... that moment broke me... that moment made me who I am.

The young, eager acrobat, my light inside. He helped me come out of the dark abyss. What drew me to him was our connection. His parents brutally fell for their deaths in front his eyes. Everyone thought it was an accident... but I knew; he knew... it was cold-blooded murder. I took the young acrobat in out of empathy. I knew what the young boy was feeling. He found out my secret and wanted to bring the man who murdered his parents to justice. "So that he could turn out like you?" she asked. "So that he wouldn't" I admitted, nonchalantly. After a year of training, the boy used his skills from the circus to his advantage, taking down criminals along my side, being my other half, taking on the persona of Robin. After years of my ward, fighting alongside me, he grew eager to become his own man, which caused many disputes between us, so one day he just left headed for Blüdhaven, this ruined me... I had no one else since my second ward died. His alias then became Nightwing.

My second ward was the complete opposite of the first, he was like me without self control. He impressed me with his street skills while trying to steal the tires of the batmobile. He came from the streets resorting to crime because his father was arrested and his mother, former druggie, was now presumed dead. He was a troubled kid, so I took him in. I thought I could change him for the better, making him the new Robin, he was a good kid, but once you become something... you can't go back. As the years went by he became more reckless. One day we were taking on a case involving the joker. We were fighting his goons and he noticed The Joker attempt an escape. Little did he know it was a trap. His recklessness got him captured and taken to a warehouse just outside of Gotham City. For weeks I desperately searched for him, and I only found him when it was too late. He was beaten by The Joker until he couldn't feel it anymore, then blew up the warehouse he was in. I was devastated, "My partner, my soldier, my fault". But it wasn't the last I heard of my ward. He was brought back to life in the name of The Demon's Head. Coming back more enraged and reckless than before, he took on the former name of his killer; becoming The Red Hood. He didn't hesitate on doing things that I forbid myself to resort to... in a way that made him stronger than I ever was. After his death he was so hurt; feeling as if no one cared for him anymore, he worked alone for years. But I knew that he was empty and depressed. Though he is alive, living, and breathing on the outside... part of him was ripped out. My son, he is still dead inside.

My third son was never my ward. His parents were taken into protective custody, I had to adopt him. He was like me in every way except one. He could see the light in any thing bad. That one difference didn't mean anything to him, but it meant the world to mean. He was an intelligent student excelling in everything, earning the title of the World's Second Greatest Detective. Which was no surprise since he figured out my name at the age of nine. He knew that the death of my second ward made me dangerous and violent. He then became the light in my soul when he took on the new role as Robin. He was the best Robin, by far, being able to confront a situation the same way I would. We were too similar... we saw things the same way and he new this, that's what made us a weak team, we shared similar traits intellectually. Though he would still work at my side, we both knew it was for the better if he created his own name. He then became: The Red Robin.

The Assassin, The Killer, The Heir To The Demon...The Blood Son. I was drugged and rapped by the Demon's daughter. She went back to Tibet, where he was then transferred into a test tube. He was created to become the perfect soldier. Over the years the boy was pushed to his limits, doing impossible tasks for a young child. He had his spine replaced at the age of four so he can he improve his fighting skills allowing him perfect his tactical skills, taking him far beyond his previous limits. At the age of ten, his grandfather and mother were targeted by Deadshot so he could then take the place at The Demon's Throne. He was brought to me so I could protect him. He was an unpredictable child who was a bloodlust against his enemies. I taught him what it was liked to feel loved and that killing was for the emotionally weak. Throughout the time he spent with me, he began to understand my reasoning. I understood why he came to live with me... he was tired of being used for his mother and grandfather's needs, he wanted to feel that he matter which clouded his judgment once I allowed him to fight alongside of me as Robin, clad in bulletproof Kevlar. He let his initial instincts to make him go too far during a patrol. All his life he was treated as if he was an object inside of a human and that broke a peice of his humanity on the inside... I know he's trying, but nothing can fix him. Like father; like son.

I never realized how much one moment could impact a life so much. How it can create you, and how it can destroy you. My life was full of pain and suffering, everyone around me that I cared about couldn't seem to stray from it either. But at the end we know how much we cared for one another and that's what makes us a family. We use our pain to get back up instead of stay down. We are all strong and know when it's time to give up. I always thought that I was a magnet to pain and suffering but the truth is I deflect it, I'm attracted to strength. "That's what we're for --- when the law doesn't work". When no one believes in humanity we will be there to spread hope and belief. I know, because I am: The Batman.


A/N: Tell me what you think. I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you guys like it.

-Syd <3

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